Red and Black Flower Centerpieces for Wedding

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Red is one of the top colors for weddings. Brides love it because it can be romantic, regal, bright, elegant, and even a little bit sexy. There are so many different ways that you can use red to create fabulous centerpieces; here are a few of the top ideas to inspire you.

If you are looking for a wedding flower that says "love", you certainly cannot go wrong with red roses. This is one of the most popular flowers for bouquets and centerpieces for very good reason. Red roses are timeless, and yet they are also dramatic. The rich red pops very well against the bride's white gown.

You can use red roses in a variety of ways for your centerpieces. If you are wearing a very elaborate wedding gown with sparkling custom bridal jewelry, then go for extreme opulence in your centerpieces. Tall antique silver vases will look amazing when overloaded with rich red roses. Surround the vases with tall candlesticks with graceful ivory tapers for even more romantic ambiance.

Red roses can also be used in a more contemporary fashion to create centerpieces with some flair. Mound red roses in a tight dome shape and display them in low square vases. For contrast, you can think about adding smaller accent displays with lime green flowers. The red and lime color combination is very hot right now.

There are plenty of other beautiful red flowers besides roses. For a winter wedding, elegant red amaryllis make a lovely single flower centerpiece. They would look lovely at a reception where the bride is wearing a snow-white bridal gown with simple crystal drop custom jewelry. If you would like to add some height and architectural interest, you can use tall red-dogwood branches as an accent. To enhance the all-red effect, fill the bottom of clear glass vases with red marbles.

For a country casual wedding, red flowers work wonderfully. In the spring, bright and cheery red gerbera daisies make fun centerpieces. They look great in combination with other colors of gerberas like yellow, pink, or orange. These flowers call for absolute simplicity in the way that they are displayed. You can pop them into an eclectic assortment of vessels, like painted tin buckets or white pitchers. For a really cool effect, "plant" red and orange gerbera daisies into a bed of wheatgrass as your centerpieces.

If you are having a relaxed wedding in the autumn, think about using deep red potted mums. The red mums with the yellow centers are especially pretty. The great thing about potted mums is that they are very affordable when compared to cut flowers, and yet they are also very full and beautiful plants. Best of all, after the wedding, the potted mums can be sent home with guests or planted in the newlywed's garden.

Centerpieces do not have to be floral but also can be non-floral centerpieces. For a bride who is having an Asian inspired wedding, a really fantastic centerpiece would be an arrangement of branches hung with red origami cranes. Red is a lucky color for Chinese weddings, and the crane is a symbol of longevity in both China and Japan. This would be a very beautiful and memorable red centerpiece design.


Layer several shades of red flowers with red non-floral elements for a lush centerpiece

Red has always been, and will always be, a great color for weddings. Whether your style is romantic, classic, contemporary, or eclectic, there is a red centerpiece design that will be fabulous for your wedding. When you are looking for panache, you simply can't beat red.