Simply DIY Carpet Cleaning

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Cleaning carpet in your home area maybe can be a regular activity like once a week or four times a month. But many people think it’s easy to clean the carpet as long as you have a vacuum cleaner. In fact, it’s not that easy. Vacuum cleaner maybe can make all dusts on your carpet totally gone, but what about some spots that won’t work although you use the magic vacuum cleaner? That’s why maybe you need to do all these cleaning steps.

First, mix some powder laundry detergent with some water, also mix with a cloth. Wipe down a small area of the carpet with the cloth to make it damp, and collect any lint from the top. Take your carpet brush and scrub the stains in different directions. You can also repeat this process on stubborn spots and stains. Soapy water also can be used for cleaning your carpet. Mix your own spot-cleaning solution by diluting a few drops of clear hand dishwashing soap in water. Rinse to remove colored spills or spot-cleaning solutions, blot it with a wet towel. Then blot area again with a dry towel. Remember not to rub, or the carpet fibers may become matted.

Also, you should know the kind of carpet you will clean. Wool, fiber or fur, those kind of carpets have totally different ways about the whole cleaning steps by steps. For other ideas or creative carpet cleaning tips, you can browse those stuffs on internet or simply just visit some home design trick and tips websites. There are also some tutorial videos on Youtube about how to clean the carpet easily and instantly, and maybe can be your best consideration. Some uploaders even tell some creative ideas that can be your perfect recommendation. So what do you think? Ready to clean your carpet and get a nicely new result about it?