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Photo Gallery of New Spanish Home Interior And Exterior Plans (6 of 9)

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Spanish style for home interior and exterior can be awesome enough. If you're looking for the best design style for home interior and exterior, Spanish design can be the best choice. But why we have to choose this New Spanish home for interior and exterior plans?

For paint colors, Spanish exterior color characteristic is same with colors-style for French house that usually use soft and neutral colors like white, grey, brown, or combination from neutral colors mixed with pastel colors. There are many colors of paint suitable for the best Spanish design style décor, for example, aqua blue paint color can be the best choice for wall painting exterior and interior. To balance the color view, you can mix the aque blue color with another colors like orange, grey or white. Don’t use too much bright colors for make the best Spanish décor result.

For exterior plans, we can decorate the garden part and make it totally look beautiful. Glass top coffee table, wooden chairs, roses flowers can be the best recommendation. Ofcourse we need perfect preparation and big budget about it, but surely the result will be great : we can get the spanish home design décor like we really want.

What about interior part? We can bring New Spanish home interior perfectly by make elegant décor on wall painting, flooring, roof interior and furniture sets. For the best spanish interior, we can recommend you to use big sofa, coffee table (for kitchen and dining room), carpet and cabinets with neutral colors. There are some cabinets come with Spanish unique décor, or maybe come with its storage and drawers.

Don’t forget to improve the whole design look with the best lighting decoration sets. Maximize the view with the brighter lamps, you can use wall lamps, chandeliers and ceiling lights for the best result. In the end, you can get the wonderfully elegant and classic style from new Spanish décor.