Contemporary Long and Narrow Kitchen and Dining Room Combination

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Long and narrow kitchen always identically with small space galley kitchen. In fact, the unique appearance of the galley kitchen can be created for all spaces of your kitchen area, either small or large spaces. That’s why if you want to build or décor your kitchen area, it can be your best recommendation that instantly give you nice atmosphere in that room.

But the most actual thing you should know about galley kitchen style is this design style has its timeless charm that make you feel happier when do all kitchen stuffs like cooking or washing some dishes.

The design of the galley kitchen is surely stylish and simple, and you can create it become better depending on how creative you choose to be. Like for example, you can add wall paintings in empty space on the wall of galley kitchen. Although the space is small enough, but the idea of wall paintings can make illusion that your space is bigger than before.

You can also play color schemes to make your galley kitchen in long and narrow room become greater and special. Use bold colors for wall décor can make the small space looks bigger also give fresh nuance for your kitchen interior. Not only that, by décor your backsplash or kitchen counter maybe can help the galley kitchen look effectively beautiful.

Most people that use galley kitchen love to use minimalist design for their kitchen furniture sets and want natural look for the cabinets or drawers. The unique appearance of the galley kitchen also perfectly work for people who want efficiently contemporary modern kitchen area in their houses. With galley kitchen style, we totally sure you will love to enjoy all cozy instruments in your kitchen, feel happy to cook or doing something in your kitchen area.

It doesn’t matter much if you have small size for your kitchen area. So many narrow kitchen ideas and small kitchen dimension you can do and practice for your own kitchen room, make it more amazing, lovable and eye-catching. But how to make it?

To make a great long and narrow kitchen area, first you should know to prepare the whole concept. A kitchen derives its name from a long, and narrow kitchen typically found on a apartment, train, plane or ship. These small kitchens can sometimes feel crowded and claustrophobic but in good way, this kitchen can give a lovely accent to your small kitchen dimension. If you want to make a long and narrow kitchen, you need a specific concept about structure, parts or decorating, improve the look of a kitchen seem bigger and improve its efficiency without tearing down walls.

Painting colors also take important effect for make your small kitchen looks more spacious. Light paint colors will make your small kitchen dimension creating the visual illusion of a bigger room. Paint colors like white, cream, yellow, light blue or light gray can be the best recommendation. Colorful colors are the best though the minimalist style still be a safe choice. Don’t forget to pick cabinets, countertops and another kitchen furniture sets that come with same lighted colors.

What about flooring decoration? Most people still don’t know that flooring can make a big influence to room and the small kitchen dimension. For example, hardwood floors installed lengthwise in a narrow kitchen can make the room look bigger. Otherwise, avoid patterned floors that can visually shrink the room.

And last thing you should take attention about is about lighting decorating. Lighting sets can affect your small kitchen dimension to look bigger and spacious, also make a wonderful narrow kitchen interior. Natural or artificial light that's reflected on shiny surfaces, such as glossy floors or stainless-steel appliances, can make your kitchen seem large and luminescent. Using sparkling chandeliers or pendant lights also a very potential choice, it will give a brighter view and make your small room look classy than before.

Having a narrow kitchen does not mean that you cannot make it interesting. There are a lot of things that you can do to make your kitchen more beautiful. It might be useless to remodel your small kitchen. However, you need it so that you can taste a new sensation in your kitchen.

There are a lot of ideas that you can adopt to make your small kitchen become more interesting. You might confuse in finding the way to redesign it. However, if you want to add more things or stuff in your kitchen, you have to think upward. Since you have a small kitchen, you cannot place many things aside one another. Therefore, you have to think upward. It would be good to save space for your kitchen.

There are also a lot of ideas that you may adopt. Try to read some magazines or browse the internet. It would be good for you to gain some inspirations. Maybe, you can mix some ideas into one big design. That would be good to make your small kitchen become more interesting. Just be creative in order to make it more beautiful. You also need to remember to place something upward so that you can save more space in your kitchen.

It is sure that you cannot keep many stuff or things in your long and narrow kitchen. You have to make sure that that stuff fits your kitchen, moreover your windows. It is important to have at least a window at your kitchen. Then, you do not have many ideas in redesigning your kitchen window. That is wrong; you can have many things to do with your kitchen window actually.

Redesigning your kitchen window might be hard for your small kitchen. However, it is possible to do even by yourself. You can make your own kitchen window redesigned into a good stuff so that you feel like it is a new thing in your kitchen. There are a lot of stores and manufactures which provide their windows to be installed in your small kitchen.

You may think that it is not a really good idea. However, it is worth for you to try it. There are a lot of things that you can do to make your window become more interesting. It is important for you to make your kitchen interesting. Therefore, redesigning your kitchen window would be a good idea. You can buy it and ask the professional to install it or you can also do it by yourself. It is always up to you to choose either one of them.