Cute and Romantic Wedding Cake Topper

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Wedding cakes are one of the most special parts of a reception. When your guests see your cake, naturally you want them to be wowed! A gorgeous cake just is not perfect without the right cake topper, however. These are some terrific ideas for wedding cake toppers to complete your cake beautifully.

The traditional wedding cake topper is the bride and groom pair. These small statues are designed to resemble miniature versions of the actual newlyweds, right down to their white gowns, pearl bridal jewelry sets, and tuxedos. Many couples find the traditional bride and groom topper to be too boring, but they can be wonderful for a vintage inspired wedding. You can find actual antiques dating back to the 1920s to add just the perfect vintage flair to your wedding cake. The Bakelite ones are especially in demand.

For a formal wedding, one of the most popular styles of cake topper is the custom crystal monogram. This is a fabulous accent for the bride who loves all things glitzy, from beaded gowns to crystal bridal jewelry sets. You can have one large single initial from the groom's last name (if the bride is taking his name), a first initial from the bride and the groom, or a special crystal monogram made with their shared last name initial in the center and a first initial for each newlywed on either side. The effect is very glamorous and elegant, wonderful for an evening wedding.

Swarovski crystal monogram cake toppers are popular for formal weddings. Choose either a single letter to represent the last name of the newlyweds, or opt for the first initials of the bride and groom.

Nature can be a great place to get inspiration for a wedding cake topper. For a fall wedding, a forest theme cake would be marvelous. Frost a rich spice cake with a chocolate icing textured to look like bark then top with marzipan mushrooms, leaves, and tiny forest animals. Or make a lovely spring cake with each tier frosted in a different pastel color. Tie it all together by topping with a collection of colorful butterflies. The effect will be whimsical and very pretty.

Consider your wedding theme as a great source of ideas for your topper. Having a beach wedding? Decorate the top tier of the cake with faux coral, seashells, and starfish. For a Winter Wonderland reception, a tiny sleigh with bride and groom figurines would be a cute alternative to the expected snowflake topper. Or top a garden wedding cake with a tiny vase filled with blossoms. This is a great way to enhance the theme of your wedding while making your cake even lovelier.

Last but not least, flowers are a classic cake decoration that always deserve consideration. Sometimes the simplicity of a breathtaking display of beautiful roses atop a white cake or daisies on a pale yellow confection is sheer perfection. Handcrafted sugar orchids would be stunning cascading down the top and sides of a formal wedding cake. Whether you prefer real flowers or sugar blossoms, they are always going to look great. As fun as it is to try something creative, at times the classics can be just the thing.