Low Budget Fruits Candle Centerpieces and Accessories for Wedding

Photo Gallery of 12 Stylish High/low Wedding Centerpieces Ideas (12 of 12)

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The centerpieces at your wedding reception are a great way to really set the style of your event. The more interesting and dynamic they are, the better! One of the best wedding trends in centerpieces is to use a combination of high and low displays.

Brides today want their weddings to have lots of visual interest, as well as to be unique and creative. Just as you would not want to wear the same old basic bridal jewelry that your mother did, nor do you want your reception to look basic and boring. Just like you can customize your bridal jewelry to make it reflect your personality, you can do the same with your centerpieces. When your centerpieces are modern and stylish, your entire reception will look chic and elegant.

Using a combination of high and low centerpieces is a terrific way to make your reception look fresh and fabulous. Rather than the same old low bowl of roses that brides have been doing forever, mix it up a little! You can alternate a low centerpiece on one table, with a tall display on the next. This will take your wedding away from the generic effect of having the exact same thing on each table.

Alternating tall and short centerpieces on the reception tables is a great way to give your wedding a unique style and trim your decorating costs.

When you are using a combination of centerpieces, the key is to have enough elements in common so that they harmonize well, while still having some contrast. Start by deciding on a general style that appeals to you. The high/low trend can be done in any number of ways, from the most modern to very romantic and feminine. It is all a matter of what you choose for flowers and containers.

For instance, let's say that your wedding theme is modern elegance. The centerpieces can reflect this by using only one or two types of flowers in bold colors. You can alternate tall clear square vessels with short rectangular ones for a look that is coordinated but not too matchy-matchy. One really fresh color combination that you can use for your reception is cherry red with lime green. Fill the tall vases with real green apples, and then put a round ball shaped bouquet of red flowers on the top. Tightly packed red roses or carnations would look great. For the low rectangular centerpieces, use green flowers like lime green orchids. The effect will be stunning.

Brides who are going for a more old-fashioned elegance can still take advantage of the visual interest that high/low centerpieces have to offer. For your high centerpieces, choose a tall fluted silver vase. The low vessels can be something like a low silver footed bowl. More traditional and romantic centerpieces can be created by using more of the same flowers in the high and the low vessels. Choose a variety of flowers in all one color, like pink, or use just a few types of blooms, but use a range of colors. The flowers in the tall vessels should drape over the edges a bit, and the low ones can be more contained in the footed bowl.


Consistent use of candles will unify an eclectic group of high / low centerpieces.

After you and your florist have designed the centerpieces, you can add in all of the other tabletop decor, such as the candles and possibly mirrors under the vases. To keep the room from looking too eclectic, use the same linens and china throughout. With your stylish high/low centerpieces as a focal point, the rest of your reception decor can be kept fairly simple, allowing the flowers to take center stage.