Ethnical Style Round Dining Room with Elegant Upholstered Chairs

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Ethnic interior design is an architectural concept that adapts traditional elements translated from certain cultures. With the proper arrangement, ethnic style can give a touch of comfortably beauty on the interior. Ethnic style becomes one of the architectural styles that suitable to present an attractive and warmth impression. In addition to the bedroom or living room, the dining room is a right area to be applied by the ethnic concept. That way, the whole family will be closer and happier while enjoying a meal together.

The ethnic interior design is typically characterized by many elements using carved ornaments of various styles and furniture made from wood materials. But as time goes on and the limitation of available space, we don’t need to completely apply the whole ethnical-style. You can adjust the ethnic style with the available dining room space and even the needs of the family members, in order to be able to accommodate all the family activities in the dining room.

The warm and elegant impression of the ethnical interior design can make the meal time together all the family members more fun. The ethnic style in the dining room can be created not only by presenting carved furnitures or accessories characterized by ethnic interior, but you can also emerge it by applying the proper color application.

You can use cream color combined with brown. Apply cream into the walls and the ceilings to keep the ambience of the room light. Then, to strengthen the ethnic atmosphere, integrate brown to the floor by using parquet floor. The dining table and chair can use cream color. Present the brown-colored wooden ornaments by the presence of cabinet and shelves. Don’t forget to place a crystal chandelier above the dining table to support the beauty of the ethnic-style dining room.