Mediterranean-bathroom with Spa-like Ambience with an Ethnic Vibe

Photo Gallery of 15 Ethnical Style Bathroom Design Ideas (5 of 15)

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The home interior concept provides many ideas for the homeowners to creatively decorate their home interior in order to present the comfortable and attractive impression. The bathroom might not be the most popular home interior part to be beautified as the other rooms like the living room or bedroom. But, it’s wise to make something different in our bathroom by applying the ethnical style.

To apply the ethnic style in your bathroom, you can take benefit of the wood materials to be the main bathroom fixtures. The wooden ornaments are a characteristic of the ethnic design which are usually also beautified with carvings. In addition, the use of ethnic-style interior coloring concept also characterizes this unique home interior concept.

In terms of the color, use brown to create a harmony with the wooden fixtures in the ethnic bathroom concept. So as not to seem heavy, it would be better to combine the brown with gray. So, the bathroom will look fresh, bright, clean, and make you feel comfortable when using the bathroom. In addition, the combination of these two colors is also the common color palette usually applied to present the ethnic home interior concept.

Choose gray for the base color integrated on the walls and ceilings in order to keep the bathroom neat and clean. To strengthen the ethnic home interior concept, you can now insert brown color into the wooden bathroom fixtures like the sink counter and the shelves used to store toiletries.

To reinforce the impression of ethnicity, you can place a wooden credenza with drawers made of braided water hyacinth in the corner of the bathroom. Meanwhile, the bathtub and toilets can stay neutral in white color.

It’s obvious that it’s so simple and practical to present such a unique home interior concept in your bathroom. The bathroom also requires a “treatment” just like the other rooms in your house. And you may interested to read about ethnical living room and dining room decoration to complete your ethnical interior.