
Photo Gallery of 15 Modern Bedroom Wardrobe Design Ideas (2 of 15)

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Bedroom with spacious space should include wardrobe as additional furniture. Wardrobe where you can store clothes, shoes, bags, and other accessories is usually crafted in large size. Large wardrobe consists of several shelves and drawer inside. Different sizes of shelves allow you to store different items that suit to size of shelf. To install wardrobe in your bedroom, you need to consider size of bedroom so wardrobe can be placed appropriately.

Minimalist wardrobe for bedroom is cool furniture that has elegant and simple design. Modern wardrobe is equipped with folding door or sliding door. High gloss finish wardrobe is made of high quality materials. If you like wooden wardrobe, you need to know quality of wood whether it is resistant to termite or not. Stainless steel wardrobe is appealing bedroom furniture that is quite sustainable. Adjust theme of bedroom first, so you can find appropriate bedroom wardrobe that matches with bedroom theme.

Door for bedroom wardrobe is made of various materials. Glass door is able to give flashy and classy taste to wardrobe. Generally, glass door is equipped with metallic knobs. Minimalist wardrobe looks elegant with knobs that look like bars. Glass door is compatible for wood wardrobe and metallic wardrobe. However, wood wardrobe is ideally supplied with wood door. Elegant door design is one of factor that leads people to select the wardrobe.