Art Deco Living Room Decor for Modern Apartment

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Nowadays, we may often hear that everything can be recycled due to the green campaign of the earth. However, which can also be recycled is not only your mineral water bottles, but the interior design trend can also be recycled, so that there’s a phrase “everything old is new again”.

What we’re talking about is the classic interior design, especially one of the most exceptional interior design ever innovated called Art Deco. When it comes to Art Deco architectural design, what will cross your mind is the impression of elegant, luxurious and classic. Therefore, many homeowners still cling to this concept, so that their homes seem very distinctive on the onslaught of the modern minimalist concept.

The Art Deco is actually inspired by the architectural concept of the ancient Egyptian, which was reflected by the design of the King Tut’s tomb in the Giza Pyramid. This was stimulated many architects, interior designers, fashion stylists, painters and many more, to adopt the ancient Egyptian concept into their works.

One of the most stunning in the Art Deco style is the furniture style. In the glory era of Art Deco, there were many furniture artists that gave great contributions to the Art Deco Furniture style. For example, Jacque-Emile Ruhlmann, which was well known due to the utilization of exotic woods integrated by the sleek carvings. Another great artist was Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, which preferred the utilization of steel and chrome as the principle furniture components.

However, one thing for sure, though there were many furniture artists that had their own concept, Art Deco furniture design always have its main characteristics until now. The typical geometrical shape is inspired by many cultures, featuring Egyptian, Mexican and African. Beside that, Art Deco furniture design is always composed and accessorized by high class wood, metal and plastic material.