Rustic Living Room And Kitchen Interior Combo

Photo Gallery of 20 Living Room And Kitchen Combo Ideas (15 of 20)

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Making a kitchen and living room combo may be one of an alternative solution for you who have a small-land-size home. This will make one room to have more function at once.For example, you will combine the kitchen and living room at one room. This will make your home wider and larger. The question is now how to make them at once without making a narrower room’s space. The answers are such below.

This idea is actually had been applied to the presence of the apartment where it is designed to get more efficient than homes. With a limited space, the design is how to make the function of the room can be more than one function. Then the kitchen and living room combo ideas are introduced. And now the idea is not only for the apartment but also for a small home. It is because this idea can create a large space where you can cook, while chatting with family or guests.

You don’t need to worry about removing the kitchen and living room’s partition. It is because a wall-partition will take a space and make the room look smaller and narrower. Just be sure by planning the room well after the partition has gone. Second idea of kitchen and living room combo designs is placement of the kitchen’s appliance and other household equipments. You can group the kitchen appliance at one place, or if you can, hang the appliance to the ceiling. This will make the room’s space is wider, other side; it will look like a country kitchen design.