Wood Pot and Flowers Summer Centerpieces Wedding

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Summer is the most popular season for weddings. It is sunny, the flowers are blooming, people are in a good mood – what's not to love about summertime weddings, right? Make your summer wedding shine with one of these pretty summer wedding centerpiece ideas.

Each month of summer has its own distinctive feeling. June is a very traditional month for weddings, with the result that June weddings are often more classic than those held in July or August. In addition, in June you are at the tail end of the spring season, with all of its beautiful pastel flowers. This can be a great place to begin with June wedding centerpieces. A lovely centerpiece for a traditional June wedding would be a tall fluted vase filled with large faux pearls (pearl bridal jewelry being another June tradition, after all), and topped with a soft arrangement of pale pink and ivory roses, pink peonies, and flowing greenery. The result will be feminine, romantic, and perfect for June.

In the hotter months of summer, weddings tend to be brighter and less traditional, so the centerpieces should reflect that. For a July wedding, a refreshing idea would be a centerpiece built around fresh lemons and limes. One great look is to take slices of the citrus fruits and tightly pack them into clear cylindrical vases. Top with vibrant yellow flowers for a terrific look. Or skip the flowers altogether and fill footed bowls with whole lemons and limes. It is a simple but cheerful approach to summer wedding centerpieces.

Unique vessels such as birdcages and watering cans are lovely for summer wedding centerpieces.

Bright flowers are always wonderful for high summer wedding receptions. One of the favorites is Gerbera daisies, which come in all of the best vivid shades: fuchsia, hot pink, orange, yellow, and (dyed) lime green. For a casual summer reception in the backyard, nothing can beat a cluster of cheerful Gerbera daisies in a white vase. If you like something a little more offbeat, you can “plant” the flowers into a bed of wheatgrass in a rough hewn wooden box. A row of the flower filled boxes would be fantastic for the center of a long family style reception table.

All of nature is at its finest in the summer, and there are some wonderful ideas beyond the standard vase of flowers to consider for centerpieces. A collection of vintage inspired birdcages with flowers cascading out of them would be a very unique centerpiece design with a vintage flair. To tie it all together, use vintage letterpress bird motifs to decorate your wedding stationery and favor boxes. Another idea is to create a garden theme tableau instead of traditional centerpieces. Gather an assortment of watering cans, clay pots, and the like and group in the middle of each table. Fill them with moss and small flowering plants in several colors. Use a slightly different version on each reception table to give your wedding beautiful dimension.


Combine deeper colors with summer brights for a late summer wedding.

The late summer month of August is a great time to introduce wedding centerpieces with deeper or dustier versions of mid-summer hues. Instead of lemon yellow, try a rich sunflower yellow or mango instead of bright orange. You can even mix in pre-fall blossoms like min-sunflowers and zinnias for centerpieces which will perfectly fit in with the end of summer vibe. The results will be gorgeous.