Indian-bedroom with Colorful Fabric Decor

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Indian bedroom interior design is one of the most brilliant bedroom concept due to its warmth and intimate impression offered by this South Asian country. The Indian interior design is perfect to embellish all the interior parts of your house, especially the bedroom.

It is essential for the home owners to adorn the master bedroom with the perfect decoration. There are many styles that you can mix and match for decorating the sleeping area. If you have a lot of cash you can hire an interior decorator to make the house fine and fabulous.

But if you want to be an interior decorator for your own sanctuary, you just have to educate yourself from the rest of the themes applied for your bedroom. You can have the traditional, contemporary, French country, Victorian-style or Indian-style that we will explain in this article.

Indian house interior design is one of the most popular ethnic interior design that is widely applied throughout the world. No wonder why this interior design is such a well known interior concept, because it gives a distinct warm and intimate atmosphere written all around the interior.

The unique Indian house interior design can be adopted in your house to create an attractive impression of the interior. The ethnic nuance reflected through the concept of the Indian interior concept can be a great idea for you to to present a touch of beauty in your bedroom.

To realize the Indian style bedroom ideas, you will need to follow the standard stages in creating an interior design. Starting from the coloring, the flooring, the bedding, to the accessories.

Color style

The Indian interior design shows a rich and eclectic impression to whatever room in your house that applies this concept. By the application of bright and earthy colors, exotic fabrics, and beautiful interior ornaments, this concept will bring you to another level of comfortable housing.

The Indian style bedroom ideas usually apply the combination of the warm and bright colors. The warm color can be the base color of the bedroom. It’s recommended to choose brown which you can integrate into the walls and ceilings. As the accent colors, the Indian style bedroom ideas provide many bright colors that can be incorporated into the presence of accessories and fabrics in the bedroom. The yellow, pink, green, or red would be great choices for the accent colors in the bedroom.

The atmosphere created through the application of the Indian house interior design will make you feel at ease when resting in the bedroom. The bedroom will look more attractive and also exotic through the rich application of fabrics and colors.

The first step to present the Indian house interior design is to apply the typical Indian interior coloring design. For example, red and purple colors combined with neutral colors like beige and white. This color application can wrap both the foundation elements and the accessories.

The people who like to enjoy unique style in their sanctuary can choose the Indian design bedroom ideas. You can choose many colors to make the Indian bedroom pop and fun. Indian decor is always associated with intricate pattern, majestic look and lush colors.

Indian bedroom interior design is identical with the play of rich colors and accessories. It is not too hard to turn your beloved bedroom into one of the typical Indian palace room, where all the joy and the opulence create a comfort and intimacy in your bedroom.

The coloring is one of the most crucial part in all the kinds of interior concept, especially the cultural interior concept like the Indian bedroom interior design. Usually, the Indian interior design is decorated by many warm and bright colors, namely terracotta red, curry yellow, pumpkin, and soil brown. You can pick two of these colors to be painted into your bedroom walls. Consider paint the all three sides of the walls with one color, for example red terracotta, while the rest of the wall uses the neighbor color of terracotta red which is the soil brown.

The Indian interior design is widely known as one of the ethnic interior designs that applies many bright and earthy colors into all the kind of interior fixtures, from the ceilings to the upholsteries. However, there are only a few colors commonly incorporated into the Indian interior design, such as orange, red, and brown. The Orange might be the best option for you to present the typical Indian interior design. Use as into one side of the interior walls, while the rest applies neutral tones like beige. You can integrate red into the the carpets and the upholsteries to enliven the atmosphere. Meanwhile, brown can come in the wood furniture finish.

White is the best choice to be the base color of the Indian house interior's walls. You can combine white color with beige that through the application of the parquet flooring. Brown also goes for the interior ornaments, such as the bed frame, console table, dresser, and chairs all made of wood.

Furniture Decoration

The main interior filler, the furniture also plays an important role in the Indian interior design. A big solid wooden furniture that has a complicated detailed carving is the main characteristic of the Indian furniture design. The canopy bed might be a good option for the Indian bedding design. A bed frame that has a simple carving ornament in the headboard will also suit this exotic concept.

The furniture, as the main interior fixture, should absolutely be considered. It has to match the entire room design, because the presence of the furniture can simply strengthen the desirable nuance creation in a room. It goes the same way with the Indian bedroom interior design. The typical Indian furniture is all about the handmade workmanship and also the insertion of mosaic and textile elements.

Some Indian furniture that you can pick includes the floor cushion, low cushioned couches, woven rug and divans. If you want to adorn the house for cold climate, you can pick the hand wooden rug on for the flooring treatment since it keeps your feet warm all of the time.

The Indian furniture can be made in dark shades. You can go with black colored furniture to deliver the formal feeling in the living room. Choose the one with elaborate Indian pattern to deliver the authentic feeling. The caved pieces can be seen on the chest, table, chair and cabinet. You can go with rustic Indian style if it is made in distressed look. The upholstery, curtain, bedding and other textiles can features animal motif. You can go with peacock, elephants and antelope for nice Indian ethnic interior.

To enhance the look of the Indian style bedroom ideas, don’t forget to integrate another presence of sari as the wall hanging, the aromatherapy candles to soothe the nuance in the bedroom, and some antique furniture.

The canopy bed composed of Jali Indian Sheesham bed frame might be the best choice for the Indian style bedroom ideas. It would be better to add lace or sheer curtain hanged on the canopy, creating a romantic yet exotic feel to the bedroom. You can take benefit of the sari, the exotic Indian fabric, to be the bedspread.

An interior wouldn’t seem complete without the utilization of the accessories. And, the presence of accessories, plenty of them, is mandatory for the Indian bedroom interior design. You can have a wide range of accessory in the Indian interior design, but the most common used ones are the mirror frames with engraved design and the utilization of colorful fabrics, like Sari and silk.

The Indian house interior is always characterized by the utilization of rich fabrics, like the Sari and silk. This application becomes mandatory due to its exotic and aesthetic feel that simply comes from the fabrics. Apply the fabrics in a form of bed sheet, chair upholsteries, and table cloth. You can integrate the bright colors as mentioned above into the utilization of fabrics.

To enhance the atmosphere creation, it would be better if you also use the metallic ethnic lamps, mosaic ceramics, and wooden sculptures to beautify the bedroom in your Indian house interior design.

Indian style create an interesting and vibrant feel to the bedroom through its exotic fabrics, the application of bright colors, and rich ornaments. Therefore, by applying this concept into your bedroom, you’ll find your bedroom feel so attractive, comfortable, which will make you simply feel at ease being in the bedroom.


The Indian style bedroom ideas allow the homeowners to feel free choosing the flooring materials. Either it’s parquet, tile, or linoleum, one thing that you have to incorporate into the flooring is the application of the rug, the Persian-styled rugs that usually have thick and large dimension.

Beside the coloring, the Indian interior is also characterized by the lavish application of interior accessories, which one of them is the fabric. Yes, India is pretty well known as one of the biggest world’s fabric producers. The most popular fabric is the Sari. Sari isn’t only meant to be the Indian traditional clothing material, it can also be an exotic and attractive interior accessories. You can integrate it as a table cloth, wall hanging, and even draperies. Beside that, you can also put some little god or goddess statues on the living room table or in the cabinet.

Even though the color is various and bright, you need to ensure that it will never look overwhelming. If you want to adorn the flooring treatment, you can spread an Indian area rug. It can feature the traditional Indian pattern. If the bedroom is from your daughter, you can make it feminine by selecting the floral pattern with a big medallion on its center. If you face difficulties when finding the Indian rug, you can shop for Moroccan or Persian rug.

You can opt for the combination of red and brown rug. But ensure that red color is not too overpowering. Maroon and burgundy are great to have. Then you can choose the right bedding. It should be in lush pattern. If you just want to enjoy easy design, you can choose plain bedding. It can be in violet bedding. If you want to make the bed look pop, you can set some intricate patterned toss pillows. The window covering in Indian bedroom should look thick with ceiling to floor design.

The muted bluish toss pillow can bring relaxing feeling in the Indian bedroom. If you want to adorn the wall in India bedroom, you can have the traditional Indian art. You can have a hand crafted design of peacock feature if you want to deliver the exclusive design. Painting of Indian temple can bring magnificent look. If you want to design the feminine style, you can choose the traditional Indian flower painting on the wall. Thus, your Indian bedroom interior look nice and romantic.