Minimalist Contemporary Kids Playroom with Shelves and Rugs

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The children space or kids playroom at home should look colorful, nice, educative and charming. Having a nice room at home will make the children happy. They will love to spend much time in the space.

Kid's playroom are their own little world where they spend most of their time playing with their toys, friends, studying, and also doing other fun activities.

What could be better comparing to arranging and decorating your children’s playroom in accordance with this preference? So that their playroom decoration can inspire their story world where nothing bad can happen, in which the character they like is with them and where their parents are always there with them.

Before decorating your children’s room, it is important to “be” in their minds. The environment in which they are, must comply with their imagination. So, let your children participate in decorating their rooms, because in the end, a room should reflect the personality of its occupant. The children’s space should be regularly organized, given that they grow and develop, both psychological and emotional.

Warm color palette – Red, yellow and orange, this palette is meant to make the room seem bright and cheerful. Cool color palette – Blue, green and purple, this palette can make a room look more spacious.

Those color palettes can be formed in unique wall paintings, such as their favorite cartoon figures or natural sceneries, which can stimulate the child’s brain growth. You can consider the water theme for the children’s room, because it gives you the opportunity to introduce shades of blue and green decor scheme. Floral motifs can also be used to decorate the children’s room. You can paint the walls with stripes or geometrical motif with different colors.

You can also give each window a different bright color to make the room more lively. By simply adding a unique design and attractive paintings, you will make a much better place for your children.

You can choose a theme which can reflect their personality through their lovable favorite cartoon characters. You can display the characters like Thomas the train or even Sponge bob on the wall, furniture, bedding and area rug. The bedding set like duvet, comforter, bed sheet, pillow sham, and bed spread can have such fun print.

Children's Playroom Themes

Children playroom should feature cheerful colors, sharp lines, modern style and irregular shapes. Many parents want to give the best shelter for their kids. It will be fun for you to adorn their private room with funky and unique themes.

One of the popular themes to adorn the children playroom is Sesame Street. In the morning kids love to spend their time watching such movie. As parents you can beautify the children space by using some characters from Sesame Street like Big Bird, Elmo, Abby Cadabby, Cookie Monster, and friends on the bedding and other pieces in the room. If you want to have this room designed for the youngster, you can choose the wiggler theme. It offers yow the some characters like Jeff, Anthony, Murray and Sam. The people who love with Thomas the Train theme can paint the room in red and blue colors.

Through the blend of bright colors, the playroom looks more alive, and it brings a cheerful and a vibrant atmosphere. Thus, your children will be happier and safer with such a pleasant children’s room. There are many bright colors that you can use to remodel a child’s playroom. Let’s take example of orange color which can be set as the accent color.

If you love with modern look, you can adorn the room with light color. It can be natural shades like beige and tan. Thus, you can install oak trim and floor in the room. The wall can be painted in lime green to bring sophisticated look. The bed frame can be in dramatic colors so that you can choose black colored bed frame made from mahogany. The dresser can be in black too. To make it nice, you can suit it with red knob. The parents who want to adorn the children space for their daughter can choose the hot pink theme.

The little girl wants something feminine and fun. You can choose Barbie theme. It is considered as an everlasting icon for young girls. If you love with other interesting Disney princesses, you can choose some characters like Snow White, Belle, Jasmine, Rapunzel, and Cinderella. Those characters are beautiful. You can paint and decorate the wall based on the themed employed. For example, if your little girl loves with Jasmine, you can make the playroom look like an Arabian night space. You can adorn the wall with a mural of Aladdin, jasmine and the genie. It will be fun if you can choose blue color as the main palette in the children space.

The hot pink color can deliver the cute style. You can combine it with pastel shades like blue or lavender. If you want to make it warm, you can a hint of orange or yellow on the room. The bed frame can feature a mosquito netting if it is for your little girl. You can make the bed stand out by spreading floral hot pink bedding. The bed frame can be made in simple style. You can have it feature a headboard. If you like with romantic and feminine style, choose the bed frame from wrought iron. If you want to carry masculine style, you can pick blue.

If you want to make the room personal, you can have the simple homemade arts and crafts. They can bring interesting and attractive effect inside. It can save you a lot from the high expensive items sold in the stores.

Kid's Bedroom Interior

The bedroom is a part house that has a function as a place to rest. Therefore, the design of bedroom is so important in kids life routine. Especially for kids with all their daily activities.

However, only simply providing a bedroom with a bed and a desk is not enough. The characteristic of the children’s bedroom and the adult’s bedroom is different. Decorating children’s bedroom needs special treatment. Especially about the decor that fits the character and the will of your children.

Like the kids playroom, the children’s bedroom should be designed with an atmosphere that is able to provide a sense of comfort. In addition, it also has an attractive appearance that can make a child feel happy and at ease being in their private room. To be able to create that impression, the paint color decoration is the solution.

The selection of colors in designing the children’s bedroom is very important. Because colors can reflect the personality of someone. As well as the color of the children’s bedroom. It certainly determines the impression and atmosphere created in the bedroom. Therefore, make sure you consider carefully the color that you would apply in your children’s bedroom.

Choosing the right colors for the children’s bedroom may be a bit complicated. Most parents prefer using pastel colors in order to increase the mood and atmosphere of their children’s bedroom. However, you need to know that the children’s bedroom is a place for kids to sleep as well as a place to play. Therefore, choosing using pastel colors as the dominant color of the children’s bedroom will make the children get bored quickly.

Make sure that you apply the right colors for your children’s bedroom. Here are some of the proper color applications for your children’s bedroom :

  • Red as the accent color. It is meant to brighten the room, but not recommended as the dominant color.
  • Yellow creates warmth. It’s known as the soothing soft color and able to present warm ambience.
  • Blue is the creativity. It’s best suited for the toddler’s bedroom due to its function that’s believed that it can stimulate the brain development of the toddlers.
  • Green presents freshness. Green is the earthy tone that can simply bring the natural freshness into a room.
  • Pink means cute. We already know that this color is best suited for the girls’ bedroom. Age doesn’t matter to the integration of this color, because pink will always give cute and feminine impression.

Girl's Bedroom Ideas

Many parents are confused when they have to find the best girl bedroom designs. It will be a great for the family to dress up the little’s girl bedroom during the weekend. You can bring the joy in the girl’s bedroom if you adorn it with lots of feminine and nice colors.

The colorful effect can make the girl joyous and happy all of the time. She will love to have a room of her own. If you do not want to play any remodeling project for the next five years on the girl bedroom, it is better for you to forget about the childish themes like fairy, garden or even princess theme.

You can adorn girl bedroom designs with simple theme without eliminating the feminine and girly look. Flower can be the best idea for you to adorn the room. You can paint one wall with a big mural depicting a nice colored red rose. If you cannot paint the red rose, it will be fun to adorn the wall the wallpaper. The next three walls can be painted in off white shade to reduce the overpowering red color. The bedding in the room can be in floral pattern too. Choose the one in pink.

The knick knacks like lampshade, curtain, and jewelry boxes can be in pink. If the girl bedroom is for your little girl, you can make it look fun with some interesting themes like Aladdin, garden, Dora the explorer, and mermaid. You can install wallpaper depicting those characters on the wall. The bedroom and pillow sham can be in such print too. The area rug can feature the images of the cartoon. But ensure that it will never look overdone with a lot of patterns. If the wall is filled with pattern, you can go simple with bedding in girl bedroom designs.