Exotic Open Plan Living Room in Tropical Design

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The tropical minimalist home design is kind of a unique yet brilliant idea due to its efficiency and effectiveness offered by the combination of these popular home designs. This mixture of tropical and minimalist home design might be best suited for those who live in the tropical region.

The main idea of the tropical minimalist home design is actually to get the best result both in aesthetics and functional aspect of the house that’s in the tropic region. The minimalist home design, which is very functional and practical, is the best option to improve the effectiveness of the tropical house design.

It’s not that difficult to present a tropical minimalist style in your own house. What you should keep in your mind is that you have to integrate a fairly openings in the interior in order to simplify the sunlight from entering the house. Yes, the sunlight and the natural air are two main objectives of the tropical house design application.

Firstly, to start creating the tropic minimalist home design, you can design a full minimalist home design, with all of its mandatories, like the clean design and simplicity. Choose the neutral color as the base color of the interior, which also serves to support the distribution of the sunlight inside the house.

After that, start inserting the tropical element by integrating bamboo flooring. This flooring material is the best option for the tropic minimalist home design, not only because it creates warmth during the cold night and freshness during the hot day, but because the bamboo material is one of the most environmentally friendly building material.

One of the most important elements in the tropical minimalist home design is the in-house garden. You can build it near the living room or dining room. You don’t need to create a big in-house garden, but if you have a small space for the garden, you can even create a vertical garden that’s built on one side of the natural stone wall.

Tropical Interior Design

Tropical home interior can express the breezy and airy days at home. There are many paint colors that you can use to dress up each room in the house inspired by the tropical theme. The paint color is very important to decide.

It will be useless if you can adorn the house with expensive items but cannot deliver the tropical look. The tropical color should be accented not only on the wall, but also ceiling, furniture pieces, area rug, flooring, and carpet. The cheery tropical color with cheerful effect can make the guests and occupants comfortable and happy.

You can choose the color of coconut meat. You can paint the room with off white color palette. It can deliver the colonial interior design. But you can combine it with a shade of blue to make it look tropical. The combo can be used to treat your interesting verandah. Then you can set two tropical chairs with a coffee table for cozy spot. If you want to deliver the bright feeling in the tropical home, you can choose tangerine hue. This is a shade of orange that you can use as the supporting color.

Accent the room with vases, figurine, curtain, area rug and table top in tangerine. There are many shades of orange to choose. You can pick a ripped orange, deep purple orange or creamy orange. If you want striking orange, you can select burnt orange. The tropical home is characterized by the image of nature. You can get the colors of fruits. It can be from yellow lemonade or even mango. This color can be used to open the dark look at home. Your house will be more appealing since it looks bright and happy. If you want bring a luxury in tropical interior, you can add a shade of gold.

Rattan furniture can deliver the airy feeling in the house. Why people love to replicate the tropical design from the tropical islands like Bali, Caribbean and Hawaii? Those islands are accentuated with rattan and wicker furniture for the interior design on the cottage home.

You do not need to go to Hawaii or Bali if you like to enjoy the breezy air. You can make your house tranquil and tropical by picking rattan furniture. Replace your half furniture pieces. Or at least you can resell them on the secondhand hand stores. Rattan furniture is suitable not only to define the tropical house but also modern, beach or even traditional cottage house. You can bring the casual style with this furniture. You do not have to use rattan furniture if you want to enjoy Victorian or even Gregorian house.

Furniture can be suited with other decoration. You can have wall art, basket, and shelves to make the room coordinated. Pick the high quality materials so that your furniture can last longer. Wooden furniture can be placed in the sun room, deck, and patio area. If you want to make the living room and home office casual, you can add a sofa with big toss pillows.

If you want to set it in outdoor area, ensure that the furniture has been sealed with protective element. Thus, it can resist to stain and harsh weather. Pick the right furniture. Most people love to enjoy comfort. Thus, you can pick the nice colored furniture since it can be suited with any types of wall color and decor. You can do with tan, taupe or even dark finished furniture. If you want to enjoy tranquil sense, you can pick the solid bright coral, sunny yellow, or dark green.

If you want to enjoy relaxed, fresh, and bluish style, you can choose the Mediterranean decor. This is the perfect style for the people who want to enjoy the old world charm feeling. There are many colors that you can use to adorn the living room.

Some of them include gold, orange, yellow and blue. You can get the inspiration from the Italian, Spanish, and Greece interior design. All of them are considered as Mediterranean countries. Making the living room alive is easy to do. You just need to have a textured wall. You can add different colors of paint to bring unique look on the wall.

If you want to enjoy old fashioned style, you can choose the white washed paint. The faux brick and marble can bring grandeur style in the Mediterranean style. If you want to stay simple, you can choose the vivid color. If you want to bring funky look, you can dress up the architectural design with cobalt blue, red and orange. The wall will look plain if you do not bring any Mediterranean living room interior with wall hanging. You can have wall tapestries. Choose the one in tribal or even ethic pattern.

If you want to make the floor comfortable, you can spread an area rug made in animal pattern. If you want cozier spot, you can choose a woven rug. When you want to set the furniture pieces in Mediterranean living room, choose the one in high quality design. It can be made from pine wood. If you want beautiful and romantic furniture style, pick the one made from wrought iron. You can add some toss pillows to make the sofa adorable. Don’t forget to add slipcover or throw blanket for warm feeling in living room interior.

You need to think about remodeling the floor, furniture pieces, paint color, wall, and other items. It can be a very daunting task. But you need to be patient when determining the color. The tropical home should be inspired by the color of nature. You can choose off white accent if you take the inspiration from the color of coconut meat.

If you want to deliver happy feeling, you can choose mango yellow, cherry red and tangerine color. If you like to add textures in the house, you can attach wallpaper. It can be in the images of fruit, ocean, beach, palm tree, and sunset. Then you can adorn the room with many plants. For example, you can set several pots of palm trees on the verandah for green look. A big potted palm can be set on the corner area. When you want to set some furniture pieces in beautiful tropical modern house, you can choose the one made from wicker or rattan.

You can choose the cushions in leaves, fruits or palms pattern. Pick them in green or blue color. If you want to carry the ethnic feeling, you can choose batik or even tribal patterned cushion. The area rug can deliver comfort in the living room. If your house is filled with many patterns, you can choose the solid colored area rug in plain accent. The ceiling can be adorned with a ceiling lamp with fan. If you want to sleep in the bedroom, choose the one with flattering fabric for breezy air in beautiful tropical modern house.

Tropical Garden Design

The tropical garden hardscape is one of the garden elements that doesn’t only add an aesthetical value to the overall look of the garden, but also to the home exterior design. Your tropical garden will look more beautiful and aesthetic through the harmonious blend of the elements in it. In addition to the softscape, which consists of the plants or water elements, the hardscape is just another important element of the home garden that can create an impression of the beauty that makes a house look more attractive.

The tropical garden hardscape elements include an assortment of things, such as pots, paths. The natural stone, lighting, benches, sculptures and other accessories that will be used to enhance the garden, both functionally and aesthetically. The tropical garden hardscape design certainly facilitates the homeowners to enjoy the beauty of the garden freely and more comfortably.

To present a minimalist tropical garden hardscape, we can start constructing the garden fundamental concept. The minimalist garden hardscape design is characterized by a simple design and less ornament. The cold and rigid impression of that element is dominated by the appearance of the dominant material. For example natural stone, can be styled with a simple arrangement. To bring the hard scape elements through the use of natural stone, there are many kinds of natural stone, such as river stones, coral, brush, and other natural stones.

The natural stones can be placed to complement the tropical gardens softscape elements that appear more graceful. While the small-sized natural stones can be used in large numbers as a ground cover, paths, or pedestrian.

Going to the plant selection. The tropical plants can be the main choice to combine the minimalist garden concept. To complement the tropical garden hardscape, choose the tropical plants, like banana trees, mango trees, orchids, or other tropical plants.

Picking a small tropical garden at home is easy to do. People love to enjoy a tropical garden since it can express a sense of paradise. The hectic day in your life will never be a big burden when you enjoy the tranquil and warm atmosphere in the garden.

The popularity of tropical garden is increasing from time to time since people love with its exotic design. The tropical garden will be fun if you can combine it with colorful flowers theme. Colorful flowers is considered as the best decoration in tropical garden. You can attract the butterfly by making the garden adorable, fun, colorful, and beautiful.

Not all of them are should be left in open design. You need to have a protected area by installing shelter like gazebo or pergola to enjoy the garden while raining. Then you can fill the small tropical garden at home with various flowers and plants. Pick the seasonal blooming flowers in red, purple, blue, yellow and white. Don’t forget to plant clover, hackberry, spicebush and parsley.

Fill the bath with fresh water. You need to replace the water regularly so that the animals can get the fresh water all of the time. Or you can install a pond, waterfall and fountain to provide water for fresh look in garden. Decorate the water features with blossoming flower on its border. The stepping area in the tropical garden should look fantastic. You can have it installed from the mosaic tiles or floral pattern. Pick the tiles in colorful shades to deliver the unique feeling in small tropical garden at home.