Magnificent Candle Holder for Victorian Bedroom Decor

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The Victorian concept was discovered in the British architecture in the time of the Queen Victorian regime. It’s characterized by the eclectic, glamour and rich impression. This style reflects nothing but richness, and sometimes it is too much but also romantic.

The beauty of Victorian interior design can be presented in the bedroom in order to give the atmosphere of elegant and rich. So that, it will make you feel at ease and happy when spending time in it.

The Victorian bedroom is one of the most romantic and elegant designs of the classic time. It always gives an exceptional atmosphere to any part of the house that applies it, especially the bedroom.

The Victorian concept is an architectural style that features a lively impression of luxury and warmth but still prioritizes to look elegant. It can be seen from the use of many ornamental furnitures and accessories fully detailed with carvings and certain patterns.

In addition to being the most private area in a house, bedroom is also the main resting place for each home occupant after the daily activity. That’s why many homeowners will spend much money just to decorate and arrange their bedroom to be as comfortable as possible. And, one of the most recommended interior bedroom designs is the Victorian style.

Just like the other interior concepts, the Victorian bedroom design has a few stages in the decorating and the arrangement.

For the walls, the Victorian bedroom concept usually uses wallpaper with floral motif, but if you don’t support it, you can just use the paint color application which features red as the dominant color and white and brown as the accent colors. Apply red to the walls, while the ceilings can be incorporated with white. Meanwhile, the Victorian flooring selection can apply the parquet flooring.

Since the Victorian concept is included the classic interior concept, we’ll see many carved wooden furniture that has a big size. For example, the bed is recommended to use the king size with a wooden bed frame. The armoire is also an important fixture, therefore, look for a solid mahogany-composed antique armoire. Don’t forget to place a pair of bed tables on each side of the bed.

In terms of color, the Victorian style usually uses dark colors but seem alive, like the color of crimson, blue, dark green, purple, beige, and brown. Apply crimson to the wall, while brown can be integrated to the flooring, which means the natural flooring or parquet is the best option.

You can apply cream color to the bedroom fixtures, such as bed, console table, dressing table and wardrobe. Make sure you use the furniture that is designed with simple moldings and distinctive Victorian style derived from wood materials that look fancy but elegant. Meanwhile splash purple into the bedroom accessories, such as bed linen, bed covers and pillows. The romantic and elegant ambiance is two ambiences that you will get by integrating this distinguished bedroom style.

Victorian bedroom decoration

Victorian bedroom must look fabulous, grandeur and magnificent. The Victorian bedroom is affected by the ideas of Victorian era at the end of 1800s. It allows you to adorn the bedroom with embellishments and romantic style.

The focal point in the bedroom lies on the bed. You can choose a sleight bed or even a four poster bed to deliver the intricate and elaborate style. If the room is for a woman, you need to have a lady room. It means that you need to set a dressing table. Don’t forget to add a big mirror in intricate frame with an upholstered stool.

If the bedroom are for the man, you can set an armoire or even a highboy. It will be difficult for you to pick the authentic Victorian furniture since it is sold in high price. If you want affordable expense, you can shop those items on the antique market. Wood is considered as one of the best materials to adorn the room. You can choose dark mahogany, dark cherry and walnut to adorn the floor. You can shop for the bulky and large space furniture pieces. If you want to decorate the bed, you can shop for intricate and curved lamps, table, furniture and statues. The linen in Victorian bedroom should be expensive and rich.

You can have different textures of fabrics represented on the bed spread, linen, bedding and curtain. If you purchase a bed spread, choose the one with lace trimmed style or ruffle. Beaded curtain can bring majestic look in the sleeping area. If you want to adorn the wall with tapestry, you can pick the one with silk fringe. You can choose lace curtain, sheer curtain and heavy velvet curtain for expressing the Victorian ideas. The Victorian bedroom designs are dominated with bold colors like violet, deep green, chocolate brown gold, violet, burgundy, and maroon.

The decor in the bedroom should be ornate and heavy. You can opt for the rich fabric and color. The common colors that you can use to adorn the girl bedroom are pink and blue.

You can choose both colors as the main palette. Then you can adorn the room with other shades like brown, white and red and gold. It can make the bedroom more feminine to view. If you want to make the Victorian bedroom look classic, choose the off white as the main shade.

The wall in the room can be adorned with nice wallpaper. You can have the scrolling, flue de list or even floral pattern to adorn the wall. Choose the colors of red, green, and gold to make it rich and lavish. If you want to adorn the room with traditional wallpaper style, choose damask pattern in white or beige. An oriental area rug can make the room fun and adorable. You can install hardwood floor in brown or black color to make the room luxury and magnificent. The bed should become the focal point in the Victorian bedroom.

You can have it made from rich wood like cheery or mahogany . It can be made in four poster style. Then you can add more furniture pieces to make the bedroom more comfortable. You can set an intricate patterned dressing table with a full length mirror. The chairs or table in the room should feature carved legs. If you want to save your valuable items and seasonal outwear, you can use an old fashioned chest. A vanity in the bedroom can bring elegant feeling. Complete the luxury Victorian bedroom with a nice sparkling crystal or wrought iron chandelier.

Victorian bedroom flooring

Victorian style can make the room look lavish and majestic. People are in love with this style since it can show off your glamour lifestyle. Decorating the house with Victorian style is not difficult to do if you have a lot of cash to hunt the antique items.

You can begin the decoration on the flooring treatment. The room can be installed with hardwood floor. It can be made in dark finish. You can opt for walnut, mahogany, cheery and birch. If you want nice pattern on the Victorian room, you can have parquet pattern. It can carry a nice medallion pattern on the highway.

If you just want simple design you can pick hardwood floor. Then you can spread an area rag on the floor. The rug can feature floral pattern. If you redecorate the bathroom, you can go with black and white octagonal tile. It can bring the vintage style in bathroom. If you do not have much cash to purchase tiles made from granite or even travertine, choose the affordable one, vinyl tile. The color for the wall can be in green, gold or brown. You can use warm hues to adorn the living room, while the bedroom can be painted in relaxing color.

Victorian bedroom furniture

The Victorian interior design is always identical with the decorative elements throughout the interior, including the bedroom. You can place many kinds of knickknacks that have an antique impression, such as the collections of perfume bottles, a few realist paintings, mini metal sculptures, and many more.

Avoid using too many paintings in the bedroom, meanwhile to enrich the ambience of the room, consider using wallpaper that has floral motif. The application of rich motif wallpaper becomes the best bedroom decorating interior option for the Victorian style.

Put a few vases filled with colorful roses in certain parts of the bedroom. This method will bring the distinct decorative element through the natural ornaments.

The furniture in the Victorian design should look splendor and magnificent. You can have the chairs or sofa upholstered with rich fabric made from velvet or brocade. The table can feature an embellished pedestal and legs. You shop the chairs with a scroll design. The window covering should be lavish. You can have layer curtain with pleated design. If you want simple look, you can go with cotton curtain or muslin. The accessories for your Victorian interior decorating can be in the form of golden framed photos, an ornate wrought iron vase of flowers, porcelain potteries and intricate china.

Victorian decor ideas are always accentuated by the presence of antique, ornate, narrow and symmetrical style. The finish in the style should look shining, rich and bright. Even though it is considered as an antique and traditional style, many people still love it for it can bring grandeur feeling at home.

If you want to enjoy affordable style in the design, you can choose the open style with repurposed items. You can go to the secondhand market to find those inexpensive items. The eclectic decors and bohemian items can bring expensive style in the Victorian home.

Victorian bedroom lighting

One of the important decors in Victorian home is the lighting system. You can shop for vintage chandelier to deliver the focal point in your magnificent foyer. Choose the big one made from central or even wrought iron. If you want to have a romantic mood at home, you can light use the candles in magnificent candle holder. The pedestal pieced ceramic holder can bring interesting look in the dining room. Other majestic Victorian decor ideas include the vintage apron, brocade toss pillows, and vintage dishtowels. When you like to adorn the big window, you can choose the heavy, thick and deep colored curtain. The wall can be dressed up with family photos, French mirror, Victorian painting.

The wall sconces can deliver nice feeling when they are installed on either side on the front door. The gold frame can bring luxury style in the living room. If you want to enjoy exclusive dining room, you can adorn the dining table with floral tea cup, silver-plate, and crystal glasses. Don’t forget to think about the color palette at home. You can choose antique white, icy pink, dark green, gold, silver, cornflower blue, lavender or even pistachio green. The upholstery in Victorian decor ideas can be accented by the pattern of dotted Swiss, stripes, floral, fleur de list, paisley, and toile.