American Interior Bench Walk Set

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American modern theme is a great recommendation if you really want to bring simple, casual, cozy but classy and lovely look to your modern home exterior and inteior. So how to get the best result about it?

First, about home exterior. Color combination take important part to make special and great statement to your whole home exterior. Because it’s the first thing people see when they visit our home, so be careful to choose the best color combination. American modern theme generally all about mixing soft and natural colors, and the result will be perfectly colorful. But now they also add vibrant colors for home exterior design style, so just consider the best decision. Because color makes more ordinary pieces look fresh, make a sophisticated look that  feels modern and American.

What about the home interior? Balance the concept of your home exterior with the rooms interior inside. For kitchen, try a cozy but dressed-up dining alcove, with coffee-house and cocktail lounge thrown in. Make a warm look for bedroom interior with soft colors and wooden bed furniture sets. Don’t forget about living room. Make a great result by add glass top table and long curved sofa with soft colors like yellow, broken white or soft pink.  Those interior style will make a completely American modern atmosphere.

And you can add deluxe accent for the best American modern home exterior and interior. Improve the whole look by add high ceiling lights or chandeliers for big rooms like living room, kitchen and dining room. By add more lighting decorating it will completely make the special and deluxe look for your home, also will blend with the American modern theme you really want to use----it’s all about soft, elegant, classy, but still simple and cozy at the same time.