When the New Year comes, the trend for everything will change, too. It includes the trends of making the decoration of the room. In 2017, the trend of the decoration will be focused on the simplicity. The simple apartment design is caused by the limited space which the interior designers should deal. That is why the ideas should be made in the simple concept.
The natural color is chosen as the best choice for the decoration on the wall. The trend in 2017 is how to give the natural view to the house. The soft color is chosen for the wall paint. The furniture which is installed in the apartment is also in the natural color for supporting the natural ideas which is brought into the apartment room.
The lighting should be in the bright lighting quality. It is used for the lighting in the night time. Especially for the bedroom, the lighting can be in the double lamp to make the different effect in the night time. But for the other rooms, the lighting can be made in the simple ideas so that the owner of the apartment can feel the enjoyment. The simple idea for every installation is the main focus for the apartment design.