Open Kitchen with Dining Room Furniture Arrangement

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Since cooking is seen to be a creative and artistic thing rather than a social work or housework these days, decorating kitchen and make it to become an open kitchen is very popular. Open kitchen trend is very popular among a lot of families since it offers plenty benefits. Besides, there is a lot of interior design for open kitchen with dining room available, so that having an open kitchen with dining room at once will be a lot more interesting and fun.

Open kitchen is very popular among a lot of families since it allows them to easily supervise their children while cooking or cleaning some spills on the kitchen. Besides, when you are cooking on the open kitchen, you will still be able to communicate with your guest or family member who waits for the foods in the dining room. Due to these benefits and considerations, applying some fresh and unique interior design for open kitchen with dining room will make your open kitchen to look amazingly astonishing.

The first suggestion for the open kitchen with the dining table is placing the open kitchen and the dining table beside a glass door facing outside. With the glass door, either you who are cooking on the kitchen or people who eats in the dining room will enjoy the beautiful scenery from the glass door. If your home is in the apartment and placed on a pretty high floor, you can enjoy the scenery of sky and skyscraper. Meanwhile, when you live in a suburban house, you can enjoy the scenery of your garden, flowers and pots from the glass door.

The next suggestion is by adding some large and wide window brackets between the kitchen and the dining room combo. Hence, the kitchen does not completely blend with the dining room, but it is still be called as an open kitchen since the kitchen and the dining room does not completely separate. The window bracket can be decorated with pots and plants and somehow it will looks like a fast food restaurant since the customer can see the chef cooking the meal from the large window.

After all, applying some interior design for open kitchen with dining room will make your open kitchen not only beneficial for homeowners, but also make your open kitchen prettier and trendy.