Large House with Large Garage

Photo Gallery of Attractive Garage Design For Modern House Exterior (8 of 11)

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House exterior, especially the garage part, is one of the most important points for the whole house design. To make attractive garage design for modern house exterior actually is not difficult, but yes, there is a strategy before you start the décor or building process.

First, you must decide will your garage be attached to your home or detached? There is some cost savings in attaching, although the roof and other elements of your home may need extensive work for this option to work. Also think about how much space you have and what you'll be using the garage for. Layout design also a part you must decide so you will know what’s the best garage design you really want to build.

If you have big budget to build the garage, ofcourse it’s not a big deal anymore. But if you only have small budget, a DIY garage project is possible and can be the best option too. Just remember to know the whole instructions, ask your friends or family members to help the whole décor and building process. It’s also depend on the design and size of building, if the garage is too large, it’s better you hire a professional contractor to build or décor the garage.

For building process, you can add storage and create a workspace. The exterior finish of your garage is often decided by your budget. Brick walls are durable and attractive, but cost much more than vinyl siding. Besides that, to make attractive garage design for modern house exterior, make sure you improve the look by add more bright colors. Bright and pastel colors like blue, pink, yellow and orange are the best solution than the ordinary colors, or for the best modern colorful style, just mix and combine those colors. In the end, the strong and great garage building with lovely colors will give you attractive look for house exterior.