Wonderful Brick Exterior

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One of the most lovable topics for us is all about how to make a beautiful brick house exterior. How to paint, decorate and make the whole exterior look totally great and awesome. So how to make the completely perfect result about it?


First, you have to consider painting the brick house and looking for advice on the color of paint to use. If you are painting your brick, we highly recommend that you have a contractor build a small braced brick test wall on plywood and have the front face the same direction as the front of your house. Look at the sample in the morning, mid-day, and afternoon. Look at the sample when it is sunny and when it is overcast, and also when it is rainy. The color of the paint is impacted by the surroundings, the sun exposure, the amount of shade, the time of day, and the weather.  Also, keep in mind that brick seems to soak up some of the pigment in the paint, so often the color on the house looks lighter than the color on the paint chip. Another reason to actually paint a section of the actual bricks with the colors you are considering.  Finally, we think it’s very important for the color of the painted brick to work well with the roof color.

And so many recommendation about color for painting the brick house. Actually it’s up to your taste to pick the best custom colors. Consider neutral and soft colors like white, cream, brown and soft red. Combination of green, brown and gray also interesting enough, when another colors work perfectly as long as you can think the combination will bring totally awesome look.

Don’t forget to decorate the whole parts of your house exterior so it will suit with the brick house atmosphere. Make a garden in front of your yard or make stairways in front of the brick house exterior will effectively bold a beautiful landscape of your house design. In the end, the result will bring extraordinary look for visitors who come to your house.