Beautiful Colorful Living Room Design

Photo Gallery of Bright Colors For Modern Day Living Room (5 of 10)

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The function of the living room is very important. The family or living room is the heart of the home. Aside from being a gathering place for family, family or living room can also strengthen the bond between family members and close harmony. In Indonesia, not infrequently family room that could be used for multi-functional activities. Such activities while watching TV with the kids or parents supervise their children while learning.

Colors become one of the important elements that can create the impression and atmosphere in an interior. So, make sure you apply the right color so that the concept of space that you want can be created.

For example, you intend to make a living room look modern and brings a fun atmosphere for the whole family, you can choose a bright color combination. The bright colors and make the living room look nice and attractive warm impressed. This color is also able to give the feel of the room is designed with a contemporary concept that is no longer fixated on the safe colors like white or gray.

Applications of modern alloys with bright colors for example orange beige combination. The orange color will make the living room seem attractive and bring a warm feel to familiarize. Meanwhile, cream can bring peace of gentle atmosphere. That way, family room into a cozy area used as a place to gather with loved ones. The atmosphere also looks more modern and fun.

Design your family room wall using the color beige. For flooring you can paste a brown color, as well as for furniture shelves and cabinets. Well, the color orange then you can present to complete the modern feel of such by the presence of attractive accessories sofa with matching cushions.