Minimalist TV Cabinet for Living Room

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The trend of using flat screen television brings the fact that you can get bigger space for the cabinet. However, wrongly choosing the TV cabinet can make the viewing of the television as well as its decoration becomes a big ‘no’ for the whole look of the room. That is why choosing the right cabinet for the television can be a tricky task to do. It should not be too big nor too small as having a right size TV cabinet is a must. So, how you should do that? These information below will help you choosing the right cabinet for your flat screen television.

Consider Width of Television

When you are planning to buy a television cabinet, first thing to do is by considering the size of the television. It usually goes with the size of its screen. Flat screen television comes with many different width which leads to the different TV stand for supporting it. To make it simple, make sure you get the TV cabinet that is wider than the total width of your TV. It is done so the cabinet gives stable base for the television.

Style and Size of the Room

It is not only the size of the television but also the style and size of the room contributes to the decision in choosing a right cabinet for your television. The bigger the room is means the larger TV cabinet you need to have. Getting a smaller cabinet for large room impacts to the unbalance visual of the room itself. While for smaller size of the room, getting a smaller cabinet with a storage can help saving as well as adding the space at the same time. Some people like to have a classy but elegant look so dark wood cabinet can be considered as a choice here. For those who likes to get a modern touch, a contemporary cabinet with simple design such as lines in the TV stand will be a good option.


Well, this last tips relates to the taste of each person. Some prefers using wood-made cabinet while some others choose to get a glass or aluminum cabinets. Wooden cabinet can be stronger and hold heavier weight but if you concern on the design, other kinds of material can be put into a list of alternative options.