Compact Kitchen and Dining Area

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If you have a house with a narrow size, the interior you can cover it by applying a compact style. You can combine some of the functions of the room, like the dining room combined with a kitchen.

Perhaps you've been looking for a solution on how to combine the kitchen and dining room to give the feel of larger space in your home. To merge the dining room and kitchen in a compact design, there are a few things you should consider, here they are:

The color, using pastel colors will add to the elegance of the design of the kitchen. Giving dark colors to the edges would add a dramatic effect on the design of the dining room.

The theme, specify traditional, contemporary or modern theme for the entire home decorating ideas for your soon to be dining room and kitchen combo.

Kitchen can be attached to the dining room with a raised wall between both room’s function. You can create a counter in the design of the dining room so the chef or someone who cook can communicate with people in the dining room.

Furniture kitchen and electronic appliances, such as microwave can be placed in the dining room. Keep the refrigerator and other electronic equipment both from one another.

Lighting in the design of the dining room, recessed lights, ceiling lights, chandeliers and wall sconces are a good idea for lighting in the dining room at the same kitchen. Lighting fixtures provide an attractive appearance.

The dining room in the kitchen at the same time your home will look more attractive and remain comfortable.