Cozy Contemporary Garden With a Pond and Bridge

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Contemporary garden can look elegant and impress the people who visit your home. You can make a big celebration in the garden if the place looks engaging and amazing. The air in the contemporary garden is fresh because everything is packed in organized way. You do not need to fill the space with a lot of plants and flowers because they are not suitable to define the minimalist garden style. There are many rules that people should follow when decorating a home. You can pick green color on the plants to create a uniform effect in the garden. Or, you just have to choose the colorful tropical plants to make tropical garden style.

The small space in the garden looks big if you choose contemporary garden. The pathways can be made in circular design to create bigger illusion at home. To mix it with elegant look, you just have to install some features in the garden.Pick the features which can suit your budget. If you want to perceive relaxing effect, you can choose waterfall. It can be made in dry look. It means that you do not need to have it filled with water. Fill it with sand.A koi pond is also a great feature to have. It can attract kids when they walk around the garden.

The colorful koi ponds can be the main interest in the space. Allow the guests to hang out by sitting on the bench. It can accommodate more people than in individual chairs which take a lot of amount of floor space in the garden. To make it infuse with nature, you can have the furniture created from wood. You can finish it dark brown color. The lamp in the contemporary garden is perfect with LED lamp. If you want to lower the cost for electricity, you can choose the solar LED lamps in contemporary garden design.

Modern house looks nice if you can decorate it with a contemporary garden. Many people always think that a garden should be located in the outdoor space. It is not true if you can bring fresh and relaxing air the house. The people who want to enjoy a unique look with perfect spot for an evening party with family and friends can do it inside the house. The color and hot air in outdoor space will never bother your party if you do it at home.

You just have to decorate the space perfectly with a small garden. The decoration can make you spend more time inside the house when the weather outside is not friendly. You do not need to spend more time in outdoor space just to enjoy the relaxing and breezy air. The small garden can present in a sunroom because it gives you more sunlight during the day. A sun room is characterized with glass wall and window. You will be warm when spending time in a simple modern house.

The small garden inside the sun room should carry simple decoration so that you should never perform any complicated maintenance. You can install boxes of window to plant the colorful lilies. The wall mounted pots on the wall can bring beautiful flair in the sun room. You can have it in the form of artificial flowers to make sure that your wall stay fresh and clean all of the time. The potted flowers are nice to represent in the space. You can place the wrought iron planters filled with red roses or lavender on the corner space to banish the plain look. The coffee table in the simple modern house looks nice with a basket of soft pink or lilac flower.

Contemporary garden also can add charming flair in your backyard landscaping. The fresh ideas can carry the new look in your boring backyard garden. Some people who do not have much time to redecorate the house will always neglect the style in their backyard. You can function this place as a gathering and reading spot. Your kids can play here safely. They can run, play games and dine here. Why don’t you transform the old style on the backyard with an affordable look? Even though you only have a small backyard, it does not mean that you can make it look nice and decorative.

You can enjoy the Spanish style vertical garden at home. The blank wall in your backyard looks fascinating with some greenery. You can make it romantic by placing some wicker baskets and terracotta pots filled with fresh flowers. You can deliver the Mediterranean flavor in the contemporary garden ideas with hand painted pots. The Spanish decorated pots and baskets come in various options. You can shop the pots on online stores to enjoy different colors, sizes and designs. Pick the durable ones which can last for years.

To decorate the garden with contemporary style, you can choose the Japanese-style garden.You can get the inspiration from many Japanese gardens. You just have to fill the space with water and mountain energy. You can install waterfall on the wall. The raised planting beds are great. The higher terrain on the small pond is great to represent the mountain energy in the garden. The open patio theme is great for the people who like to hang out with family and friend in their outdoor area. There are many types of patio materials to choose. You can go with pavers, bricks, or tiles. The flower bed can come in various colors to deliver the natural nuance in contemporary garden.

Don't forget to the garden path in your contemporary garden to create elegant look. Basically, garden path serve as a circulation path that allows one to reach all parts of the park without having to step on the grass or soil. So, the beauty of the park is not compromised due trampled. It means that you will never damage your garden. If you want to specifically decorate your garden with garden path, you need to know about the things to consider as well. Below are a few things you should consider when going to create a path in the park.

First thing to pay attention in how to apply garden path is to determine the style that you want. The option varies out there. It means you can have a strong solid path. It cannot be moved. Maybe you just want to plant the stones trampling (stepping stone) that does not need to use cement as the primary building aspect. You can install a row of large pieces of natural stone with a natural texture, or you just want to create a path that consists of small stones. Choose the style that suits your taste and make sure the amount of material that you can cover the overall space is ready. You can pick paver, concrete, wood, vinyl tile, or brick to enjoy affordable price.

Next, you should create a layout. It means you need to decide which materials such as stone will be placed. If you want a touch of grass on the sidelines of a rocky road, try to create a layout that fits with the use of markers on areas of grass. You can use a marker of small stones or create a line. You create it on the ground with a shovel. Don’t forget to conduct cleaning and maintenance on the garden path ideas as the last effort.

Creating a contemporary garden design is the perfect decision if you love with simple and easy look. The minimalist house will look suitable with contemporary garden. Thus you just need to bath the garden with straight line, simple foliages, minimalist structure and square look.

You can make the garden green and simple with nice lighting and walkway. The lighting should be decided if you want to enjoy the nice flair in the garden at night. You can add some paper lanterns to brighten the look. If you want modern style, you can install some LED lighting on the walkways.

The solar lighting is great since it can eliminate the cash for the electricity bill. There is no need for you to install electric cord or even batteries for providing bright illumination. The fountain, waterfall and pond will look shining and romantic with perfect illumination. Many people think that a fountain is not included in the modern or contemporary garden design. You can install a fountain, but in simple and sleek style. There are many materials to choose. You build it from metal, wood, iron, and concrete.

If the garden is tight and small, you can make it nice by installing it on one side of your wall with mosaic tiles. It can reflect the light that makes the garden bigger and more shining. It can bring natural light in the dark garden. Accessing the area will be fun if you provide comfortable seating. You can add some waters resistant sofas on the patio area. You can add a patio heater to ensure that you will never catch cold when accessing the area at night. It can make your body warm. Thus you will be comfortable when having BBQ party or social gathering at night with friends and family.