Modern Laundry for Small Space

Photo Gallery of Custom Designed Laundry Room Ideas (7 of 8)

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If you want to have a laundry room and create a custom-designed idea about it, it’s better if the size of room is large enough. Actually the small size of laundry loom also not a very big deal but in other areas like living room, bedroom or kitchen room, the larger size is the better size, right?

So many custom-designed laundry room ideas you can make, for example you can consider using the space behind the door. It gives you more space to move around and it allows to hang your clothes, rubber gloves, or to hide your detergent maybe. What about make beautiful and artistic view by add paintings on the wall? Pick unique and creative paintings to your laundry room for more attractive interior look. If you have a laundry room with large size, it’s a big benefit. Why don’t you put some furniture sets like chair, sofa, cabinets or table in other side of room?

Colors choice also take important point. Painting colors for wall or other stuffs take important role for make the whole interior become more awesome and eye-catchy. For the best recommendation, it’s better if you use light colors for the walls like orange, light blue, pink or combination from two or three colors. Make sure the wall colors perfectly fit in with the whole colors of furniture sets.

Overall, there are many other ideas about custom-designed laundry room. Install a countertop above the washer and dryer to create a smooth surface, prepare the baskets for dry or dirty clothes, install backsplash or do floor tiles decorating can be other choices you choose for the laundry room. Just make sure you keep all things clean because that’s a must for the laundry room: so in the end it looks totally clean, beautiful, comfortable and full of lovely atmosphere.