Decorating A Small Dining Room Small Dining Room

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The dining room decor with small space presents complex design challenge. The dining room is often found with a small enough size. So that, effective planning is needed to take into functionality and beauty.

You intend to put tables and chairs full of sculptures in your narrow dining room ? Before it does make you regret you should undo the intent. Jigsaw table does look luxurious and beautiful, but not for the narrow dining room. Use simple and hygienic furniture like tables with small feet, chairs without arms so they can be put under the table when not in use. Table or chair with metal legs for example, or a simple wooden materials. Buffet and china cabinets are not recommended, use a rack that attaches to walls for storage.

Good lighting is able to make the room look bigger, it can be created with iridescence. Monochromatic design scheme is able to generate maximum natural lighting. Wall and window hangings made with lower contrast levels of color similar to the color of the eyes more relaxed look around the dining room. If you'd like by creating a focal point, use of color and elements with a strong contrast in the area. Do it in an area that's focal point while the other part remains soft made. Thus the focal point will not give effect to a narrow room.

The narrow dining room can not be placed furniture or accessories that affects dramatic too much. Created lighting is not done by giving a lot of light sources, enough with only one source of light. Use the chandelier above your dining table, choose the appropriate style of your dining table, can only use light ornate, traditional or modern contemporary. Lighting design like that can give a strong effect without making the room look higher.