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Kitchen is an important part in the house. Kitchen has a main function as a place to prepare food for the entire household. But in fact, kitchen also has another function, for example as a room for beautifying house. No wonder if the condition of the kitchen should look neat and beautiful.

For some reason, homeowners generally choose deeper shades of white, beige or ivory for brighten their kitchen. Indeed, that’s not something wrong to paint a kitchen with white color, and use the backsplash is also white. You just need a little trick to make the space more warm and of course beautiful and sexy too. Here, some ways to make your kitchen brighter.

First, combine shades of white with gray and wood. Choose cooking equipments with stainless steel material for balancing other elements in the kitchen. Use wooden floors, tables, and wooden dining chairs. Wood is the key to get the effect of a “warm” in the kitchen. Wooden beams exposed as a pillar or which lining in the ceiling to give the effect of its own. These elements give nuanced characters of modern white kitchen.

Second, if you really want to meet a kitchen with white color, try to focus by giving patterned wood floors. The floors makes the kitchen will not be boring. Do not forget, mix well the various elements such as glass and aluminum to provide accent without disturbing shades of white.

Third, in addition placing a rigid elements, you can also put lighting for your kitchen. Make sure you provide natural lighting through large windows to the right position. However, if the construction does not allow you to make some windows, you can choose a white color. This step is very precise, because the color of artificial light can reflect well.

Last but not least , Colorful furniture. another way to make a white kitchen more “colorful” is to bring the good or colorful furniture in it. For example, put artwork or eating utensils with striking colors in the kitchen. This is really functional, the tableware can be a unique decoration.

A little note for you, the white color can make a small kitchen more spacious. On the other hand, the white color is also capable of being a unifier between the kitchen and the other room for the concept of open space.