Southwestern Dining Room

Photo Gallery of Dining Room Design In Southwest Style (10 of 11)

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The southwest style is great to see in dining room design.  When people go with formal design, they need to choose the matched style to decorate the dining room table and centerpieces. You can apply southwest theme in the room to enjoy the ethnic feeling.  This style allows you to choose warm colors. You can go with creative ideas if you want to apply the southwest theme perfectly. You decorate the wall with red, terracotta, or even orange. Enjoy the welcoming feeling in the room. Bring the comfortable style if you want to create casual design in the dining room.

Whether you choose casual or formal feeling, you need to note on the lifestyle of the people. Dining room in southwest theme can be defined from the items shopped in the secondhand market. You just have to choose the distressed pieces. Think about the focal point in the room. You can have it located on the dining table. You can set a wooden table in the middle of the dining room. It can be decorated with wrought iron centerpieces and fixtures. Avoid the chunky wooden table if the dining room comes in limited space.

You can have a table paired with two benches to accommodate more people inside a small room. The people will like to relax in the room if the benches are mounted on the wall and upholstered with fabric and fluffy item. Choose the upholstery in southwestern hacienda pattern. It comes in orange color. You can add more furniture other than dining table and chairs by having a hutch or sideboard. It can be used to display your china to keep special dishes in room. The wall in dining room design gallery can come in various colors such as green, brick red, hacienda orange or terracotta yellow.