
Photo Gallery of Fascinating Modern House Exterior Architecture (25 of 27)

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Modern house can be applied in the house with simplicity and easiness on the architectural design. The modern aesthetic design is still like a magic for some home owners. Many people want to change their old house to look modern and updated with modern home design. You need to notice not only on the interior but also outdoor place. The exterior design such as the door, wall, and window frame should integrate with modern appeal inside the house. You can make a simple makeover by using modern design.

The architectural design in modern house designs is always connected with innovative style. You can have the unused place in the house transformed into a functional place. For example, you can use the loft area as an extra bedroom for kids or guests. The skylight can be infused on the ceiling if you find that your old house look gloomy when the morning comes. The sunlight can come in the room with more sunlight on the ceiling. If you always feel trapped inside the living room, you can change the solid wall with a glass wall. You just have to install flattering curtain in sheer material to block the light and maintain privacy.

The open floor design is great for the people who do not want to see any solid wall separating the dining room, living room or kitchen. Now look at the color pallets in the room. You can choose wooden tones to decorate the color of the furniture pieces. The hardware should be kept in hidden design. The floor can be decorated with bamboo material in light tan or beige. You can have a bold colored sofa to define the living room. Sofa trend and decoration can be a focal point in modern house designs 2013 if the sofa is in red, blue, or lime green.

Modern architecture is also popular among the people who want to perceive simple modern house. Simplicity is seen on the clean lines and sleek figure of exterior and interior design of a modern home. This idea is firstly prompted in 1920s.It becomes popular until this present day. The style is eye catching, edgy and sophisticated. It can catch the attention of the people due to its soft line, curvy design and edgy shape. The furniture pieces to decorate the interior design of your room can come in interesting shapes. You can have it in parallel lines, modular shape or even zig zag pattern.

The material used by the contractor to develop the architecture in simple modern house is various. You can have it in metal, stucco, wood, or even concrete. When you look at the roof of this building, you can see the pitched roof. To carry simple style, you can have a flat roof. The home owners who like to enjoy a new concept in the modern home design can go with cantilevered floor and roofing style.Let’s move to the decoration inside the modern home. You need to make it bright with open concept design.

The movement inside the home is not bothered with solid wall made from concrete. You just have to install a room divider made from paper screen. Most walls in the modern design are filled with glass material. It can bring an open visual when you sit on the sofa while enjoying the garden on the outdoor space through glass wall. The color in the house can come in neutral accent for the primary tone. However, it never forbids you to have bold shades. You can use dark cherry red or even dark brown as the color of the furniture or accessories. The wall color in simple modern house should come in light tone.

Building a modern home is not as easy as you might think before. You cannot do it yourself if you are not an architect. The modern home is very popular today because it is simple and easy. Even though you only have a small ground, you can create an ample home with the right illusion of a modern home design. The people who want their home look edgy and update can have it too. The main feature of building a modern home is seen on the open floor design. It means that you need to avoid the wall as the room partition inside the house.

You need to have a great room which contains the kitchen, dining room and living room. You can install the wall for the bathroom and bedroom for both rooms should maintain privacy. With the absence of the wall on the living room, dining room and kitchen, you make the small house ample to view. Before building a modern home, you need to consult with the professional constructor about the style, size and shape of the house.

There are many pictures of modern homes that you can find on the internet. Choose the simple one if you have limited amount of money. If you want to make it edgy, it is fine to create a fabulous design. Decide the number of room that you want to have inside the home. The people who have a large area can infuse additional rooms such as office room, sun room, playing room, student room and a library inside the house. Don’t forget to think about the exterior when building a modern home. You can have a small garden for the front and backyard area. A small pool, a hanging garden, a deck, and an outdoor kitchen are fantastic features when building a modern home.

Swimming pool is the other attraction of your modern house exterior after garden and your home architecture. But don’t you know that picking the wrong design of swimming pool which it is not suitable with your house concept might lower your exterior value.

You can beautify your modern house exterior by making such beautiful pools in the middle of your backyard. To combine the beautiful backyard landscape with the pool is not difficult. All you need to do is by having such space around the pool. You can use a tile or stone. You can also apply the patio near it and have the same tile around the swimming pool. This might a good swimming pool design for beautiful house exterior that you can try. You can also build a deck first and making an awesome modern deck with swimming pool.

In the other word, swimming pool design for beautiful house exterior is the best choices for you to beautify your home exterior. This two alternative swimming pool design can become your good choices in making the swimming pool. Do not also forget about the safety and the well drainage of this pool.

Modern green home plans are a good option for the people who want to create sleek and clean home. The modern and contemporary style is always on the first position when people want to buy a new house. There is no need for you to find out any intricate and antique material for decorating the house. You just need to focus on the light and utilitarian style. The architectures of the home can be infused with chrome, wood and glass for polished design. Modern green home plans bring the open space design. There is no need to have decorative elements in the room for they can carry cluttered effect in the room.

If you want to accessorize the house, you can use the geometric accent. It makes your house look modern and sleek. What about furnishing in modern green home plans? You can use wood to create a wonderful furnishing at home. The chairs, table and sofa can be made from wood.Choose the high quality wood such as maple, walnut, and cherry wood. Pick the furniture in angular and curvy style. If you want to make the bedroom in modern green home plans look fascinating and large, you can choose a platform bed.

Now think about the color palette of the modern home. There is no need to use the dark color as the main palette in the room. You can opt for white as the main shade since it can reflect the light and bring crisp effect. To avoid the stark feeling, you can combine it with dark shades such as navy blue, green or black color. The floor in modern green home plans should make your feet comfortable. You can have a wooden floor. Then spread a simple white rug under the table in the living room to bring interest in modern green home plans.

If you have a lot of budget, why don’t you buy a palm springs for your modern house? Palm spring is a good place for the people who want to enjoy a high quality life style. People want to have a house here because the rate of the house investment is increased from time to time. If you decide to have a modern home, ensure that the shape of the house is suitable with your life style. Create the house to look new, interesting and unique than the rest of the houses in the palm spring neighborhood.

People love stay in palm spring for some reasons. They can enjoy a quiet neighborhood with relaxing atmosphere here. You can stay with nature if you have modern home Palm Springs. Decorate the house to look cute by selecting the perfect colors. You can see the color palette if you are confused when mixing and combining some colors. Avoid using only one color at home for it can carry plain and stark effect. Many people think that modern home should come in black and white combo. It is not true.

You can find other color combination which can reflect the modern feeling without making the house look too complicated. For example for french house exterior is typically described as a rustic blend of old and new. You can go with nature by having the combo of black and brown in the house. Add a hint of red color in modern home palm springs to created bold statement in the house. If you want to make the house look tranquil and serene, you can have cream, baby blue and green color. The floor in the room should make your feet comfortable. You can come back with nature by having bamboo or wood. The bathroom can be filled with tile or vinyl in brown, blue or white color for adorable modern home palm springs.