Cosco Fold Up Outdoor Patio Table

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When you live in apartment which generally serves you with small space, you need to consider the furniture you are planned to put inside. The size of the furniture is the first prominent thing to be think of, along with the color and ornament of it. Those factors are important since color and ornament may determine the overall look of the room. One idea for furniture to be placed inside small space is fold up table which suitable for your apartment. The following list of fold up table varies in term of size and need, small enough for poker games and large enough for dinner.

Cosco Fold Up Table

This is a table which constructed from simple wood material which could stand in for dining table. Purchase this product with $72.99 in its official website.

Flip-Top Table from CrateBarrel

CrateBarrel provides the customers with super cute model of fold up table which can be placed in the corner of the room. $99.95 is quite expensive for a table, but it premises with size of the product.

Height Adjustable Color Top Folding Table

It is one product from Hertz Furniture and you may check the price from its official website. Since it is height adjustable, you could use this table as buffet when set up at highest level.

Folding Buffet Table

Maybe it is the most expensive the product enlisted in this article, enrolled by Spiderlegs at $345. It is practically designed for outdoor furniture, but this table/ bench combo fits into the included carrying case.

Martha Stewart Living Craft Space Collapsible Craft Table

This table is slightly more expensive and not exactly when folded. But Home Decorators Collection provides the customers with an included storage and casters.


Ikea is inevitably the favorite Swedish retailer for house decoration and furniture. This great fold up table enrolls for their customers at $49.99