Traditional Country French Living Room Featuring High Exposed-Beam Ceilings

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If you are a person who is so obsessed with the style of the room layout and the classic elegance of a European feel, you can try French decorating style as a source of referral to realize your dreams.

Famous with its aesthetic value is very high, the style of French decor can be a guide in arranging the room, good kitchen, bedroom, family room, library and your garden. Therefore to be able to do so, there are some important things you need to know related to the arrangement of the room affair with this French-style décor.

What you should know before you have French Living Room on your home, first is shape and pattern . The most important thing the main thing is to know how the actual basic principle of the shape and style of a Rocaille. that this is the art of decorating an awareness of freedom and artwork to come out of the classical style symmetrical and rigid. Rocaille therefore identical with the asymmetric lines, wavy, coiled and curved. Also keeping in mind that the Renaissance was based on natural objects, such as stones, shells and scrolls, the motif is made ​​resembles the object.

Second is color and atmosphere. In general, the art of classic French décor emphasizes the harmony of colors, be it the color of the furniture and furnishings, wall colors and wallpaper, curtains and flooring. However, specifically, the choice of color is usually found and used a color Beige, Brown, Grey, White, Yellow, Sky Blue, Ivory, Cream and Gold. In the end, when observed closely, with the support of good skills in combining these colors, you can bring the atmosphere of the room a warm French-style, elegant and graceful.

Last but not least, creating distinctive characteristics. So for home decorating does require a few things to consider, besides you can also customize the theme as your family demand to make the distinctive characteristics of your home. In addition, you can add some combination according to your creations that it will provide a touch of distinctive characteristics. Thus of course French style of your home decor will look more perfect and more attractive.