Oval Glass Dining Table With Wood Base Dining Rooms Design Idea

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Dining table can be used as a place to mingle in fostering intimacy and discussion in the family. But certainly some people seen dining table as and ordinary dining room furniture that does not have the additional function other than a place to eat.

For who considers dining table has a very important function other than just as a place to eat, the model and the shape of the table was adjusted to the tastes of the owner.

When choosing a dining table base on its materials, usually there are two groups of options, dining table made of wood or glass. Wooden dining table could be teak tables, teak tamarind, or the Netherlands, while the glass dining table could be a hundred percent glass or linoleum, or sometimes designer combines those two materials, becomes dining table made of wood combined with glass.

Wooden glass dining table with glass on its top gives the impression of classic and modern, and also elegant at the same time. Impression of classic and elegant contained in the wood’s color variation, dark color, or light color, depend on the type of wood and its finishing process, but eventually the impression is usually natural or classic. Dining table style like this are usually used for contemporary dining room design.

This kind of dining table is also known to give the impression both simple and warm. That’s why a lot of urban café use this kind of table as a place to gather and mingle.

Dining table with glass on its top has a benefit if there is a stain or something spill out on it, then it will be easy to clean them. Whereas the bad news about this dining table style are woods tend to be more severe and somewhat difficult to be moved, and the glass part will break easily.