Decorating Contemporary Hotel Bedroom with Decorative Brick Wall

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Travelers are a curious, creative, and passionate. They did travel a lot and found a new breed of boutique hostels, or we known as backpacker hotel around the world which cheap chic as possible.

Not long ago, backpackers only had a handful of low-budget accommodation options to rest their weary bods in Singapore. Somewhere along the way, alongside the grandiose five-star properties, popped up a number of cheap-and-cheerful youth hostels. Most of them are centrally located, clean, safe and attract a diverse mix of travelers.

Lately, hotels for backpacker start to show their faces, they offer pretty cheap price and cozy place for the travelers. That’s not mean with cheap price they don’t think about their hotel interior design especially bedroom. They take the responsibilities both about the satisfaction of the costumers and services they have offered for their customers.

Talking about their bedroom interior, however, character comes with compromise. Some of backpacker hotels have rooms in various size for example private room, mixed dorms for all gender, and girl’s dorms which only for girls , but more of backpacker hotels just have one type of room.

Backpacker hotels usually have themed for their rooms but some of them used complementary colors and modern of classic contemporary style. Sleep is valuable on the road because they rarely get enough of it, so some travelers need a really relaxing room for having a little rest after looked around the city, colors of the rooms became the most important thing for them. Travelers would choose a bed room which has neutral colors for their wall and less furniture on the room.

But some of backpacker hotels used their characteristic colors and furniture based on what their country have. For example Mexico, they used high saturated colors and have thematic rooms, as well as their furniture too. But in Europe, they chose modern contemporary style for their bedroom, neutral color, wooden floor, less furniture, more spaces to move. And India? they chose to design their rooms with their own traditional characteristic, neutral colors for the wall , but used a lot of furniture in it.

But the point is travelers would love a hostel which have a unique style and provided facilities for them to socialize with other travelers. And dorms room type is being the most favorite for travelers.