Blue Theme Seaside Wedding Cakes

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Whether you are having a wedding by the ocean or just love the water, there are all sorts of fantastic ideas for seaside themed wedding cakes. From classic to whimsical to nautical, there is a cake available to suit any style of wedding. These are some ideas for scrumptious seaside cakes for your wedding.

One of the best motifs to use on a seaside cake is a seashell. Shells can be done in all sorts of ways. If you want an understated hint of oceans for your cake, think about a white on white seashell design. An elegant variation on this is blush pink shells tinged with gold edges. The most formal arrangement is to have the shells evenly spaced on each tier of the cake; if your style is a bit more modern, opt to have a variety of sugar shells cascading down the side of your cake.

An accent that works really well with shells is pearls. Especially if the bride is wearing a set of pearl bridal jewelry, it would be a fun touch to have a frosting oyster open to reveal a "pearl" as part of the cake design. You can also run with the theme by having strands of sugar pearl bridal jewelry wrapped around the base of each cake tier.

There are many other wonderful motifs for a seaside wedding cake. Fish and coral are great design elements that can easily add lots of beautiful colors to your cake. Imagine a cake iced with fondant "waves" in a watercolor effect with a school of bright red fish swimming around the circumference. Top it off with red faux coral sculpted into your initial. Or you can use line drawings in the shape of a fish in multiple colors across a smooth white fondant cake for a fresh and whimsical take on a tropical cake.

A beach theme cake topper would be perfect for a seaside wedding. This elegant oyster and pearl topper is truly delightful.

Consider other seafaring creatures to use as part of your cake design. I personally have always loved a seahorse motif, which would be enchanting dancing around a wedding cake. You can also think about a pattern of frolicking dolphins for a seaside cake; a preppy bride could even go with the classic green whale silhouette on a bright pink cake for a touch of the 1980s at her reception.

Any shade of blue looks great for a seaside inspired cake. Turquoise and aqua are great for painting ocean waves. Navy blue looks crisp and formal with white anchor or shell decorations. The pretty blue of the sky on a summer's day is another wonderful option. For a soothing palette, mix in medium greens, or go high contrast with pops of red or orange.

Beautiful seaside wedding cakes with coral, seahorses, sand dollars, seashells, and even a pair of kissing dolphins.

Don't forget about the groom's cake; this can be the perfect place to carry out a seaside theme. If the groom is a passionate sailor, ask the baker to create a cake that replicates his sailboat. Another fun groom's cake would be a large sea turtle in beautiful shades of green. A cute idea for an intricate groom's cake is a scene with a sailor (the groom) and a mermaid (the bride).

The ocean offers so many great ideas for your cake design that you may find it hard to narrow it down to just one. Whether you want a wedding cake that is timeless or outrageous, there is a seaside motif that will be perfect for you.