White French Country Kitchen With Yellow Window Curtain Treatments

Photo Gallery of Impressive Diy Kitchen Window Curtains (3 of 11)

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Window is the important element in a house. It has function as air circulation and also natural lighting form the outside. Window is important in every house’s space, one of them is kitchen. As the crowded area for cooking, window is really important. Imagine, if kitchen does not have window, it must be really stuffy. To make your kitchen look beautiful with window, you need to decorate the window as well. In this case, you need kitchen window curtain to cover up the window. There are lots of collection and selection of window curtain, but if you want to save money you can be creative by making DIY kitchen window treatment.

DIY window curtain for kitchen is really easy to be made. You just need to use any kinds of cloth you think beautiful or cute to create impressive curtain. If you want to be creative, there are some ideas you can take as inspiration. First idea for kitchen window curtain is table cloth valances. It can give vintage and retro look in your kitchen which represented the 1950s. You do not need to sew the tablecloth more. You just need to hang the topper to put the tablecloth.

The second idea is fringed linen curtain. If you want classic look in the kitchen, this is the great way to make. To make this one, you need to sew the side of the linen in order to make it easy to be hung on the curtain rods. The other DIY window curtain for kitchen is scarves valances. This idea will give sheer elegance for your kitchen window. To hang it, you just need to stitch earring hooks in order to hang the scarf on the window. Those are some ideas of kitchen window curtain with creativity you can choose to enhance the kitchen.