Fresh Japanese Living Room Inspired

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Japanese style may be a unique theme for your surroundings, maybe your car or house, since it has specific remarkable stuff which other styles do not have. Natural element such as bamboo flooring is widely used in Japanese living room design ideas. Do not be worry to have Japanese style for your living room, because if you are able to put things together in good combination, you and your guests will be satisfied with this Asian design idea.

Iconic Ornament

One remarkable thing about Asian, is having iconic furniture and ornaments as Japanese living room design ideas. There are many options of icons which you may have, for example gods or goddesses which exist in Japanese culture. One easiest iconic figure which you may get and put in your living room is Siddharta Gautama or Buddha statue, which becomes one of the most prominent figure in some parts of Asia, including Japan. Harmonious proportions of the statue will easily give your living room the sense of Japanese.

Cultural-Influenced Furniture

Everyone agrees that Asian has some unique cultural-influenced stuffs like blue-white ceramic, bamboo shade and Japanese tatami mat. You can put all those things as both decorations and furniture of your living room and bring the beauty of Asia into your house by having Japanese living room design ideas. You may mix the oriental atmosphere with simple and elegant basic theme of your house to make the living room looks fancier with the combination of culture and modernity.

Feng Shui

You cannot put this thing away if you want to have your house in Asian theme. The art of Feng Shui has been practiced in East Asia for centuries and widely spread to other continents. Some elements are considered to be important to balance the positive and negative energy inside your house. By then you have to choose carefully the proper stuffs, designs and placements to build harmony in your house, particularly if you want to make the living room decorated in Japanese style.