Fairhope House Plans

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Country house design reflects houses In the village of England, france, America, and some skandinavian countries which really close with the nature, and give part for nature on the air circulation, lighting, and its materials. House with Country style that heredity from one generation the the next generation full of romantic and villagian nostalgia

House with this country architectural concept has the building mass which commonly wide and elongated with large overstek which giving shade for windows and doors also has a large terrace. Rooms of this country house design commonly have a bond between one to another without bounded by room partition permanently. Railing, wall cabinet, various of floor level become alternative way for making rooms. The furniture were made with simple and functional shape which also have a great durability, so that it could inherited to the next generation. The furniture which used are an art works and handcraft which use materials and neutral colors, such as wood, stone , and fabrics.

England Country style is one of most popular with special characteristic using floral pattern fabrics with light colors. The floors are from old woods or bricks which covered with rug from natural materials such as sisal or stitches. Giving a swag and tail curtains also make the window more beautiful.

House with this country style indeed really comfortable in every weather. If in summer they can enjoy the warmth of sun lights which comes inside the house, while in the winter the house also could feel warm with fireplace and furniture which installed at the country house.

But for this country house style you have to spend a pretty much penny, because nowadays, nature materials, such as stone and wood become more expensive. And comparison of inventory of woods with costumer request also being so far, close to not balance anymore.