Small Bathroom Design Trends Fixtures Furniture

Photo Gallery of Latest Trends For Bathroom Storage Ideas (5 of 8)

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Bathroom storage for cabinets and vanities are not only for complete the stylish look, but also useful for keep all items in bathroom. A mix of drawers and open storage makes the most of this double vanity. Drawers store small essentials like makeup and toiletries, while the baskets below keep towels in sight and open up the feeling of the vanity. But ofcourse there are other latest trends you can consider for bathroom storage ideas. Here are some of them :

To make more country cottage look, what about pick wooden cabinets and vanities for your bathroom storage. White wooden cabinets can be the best recommendation, but if you want cozier and simple, original wooden cabinets with brown or dark colors can be your best option. But if you don’t want to use cabinets, you can take a wooden ladder, rough wood cabinets or use baskets instead of cabinets. Different jars, shelves and stands would also please the interior and give much storage space.

Other latest trends for bathroom storage ideas also all about use cabinets, baskets or shelves with low budget but unique décor. If you don’t want to break your budget for one bathroom storage, the idea to buy two or three storages with friendly budget can be the greatest choice instead buy one big cabinets with expensive price. So many other choices you can find like narrow shelves and drawers, glass and open shelves, organized storage niches, hooks, towel holders, under sink shelves, and so on. Don’t hesitate to use your own creative ideas to make your bathroom more comfortable. Maybe you build your own cabinets by DIY steps by steps and get the best bathroom storage. Overall, it’s up to your decision and we hope you will love to keep all your items inside the new kitchen storage you pick.