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Photo Gallery of Living Room Design Ideas For Apartments: How To Decorate Small Space (5 of 21)

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Of course living in quite small space will be tough, particularly if you are a person who interested in home decorating and want to put many things inside your house. But if you are creative enough, you will still be able to steal some spaces of your small living room to place your decorations. Read some tips of living room design ideas for apartments to help you decide the best decoration and alternative placement to make the small spaces of your house looks fancier.


You have to choose proper color palette of your small space if you plan to make it looks larger. Do not get stuck with plain or all-white theory which has been widely talked. According to some house designers, you even have to be brave to choose bright colors for your small living room. The first thing is choose very sharp color. Good combination of sharp colors like electric blue and yellow with negative space in between will enhance openness. Another alternative of color for living room design ideas for apartments is by having a focal wall. Darker color one wall will make the room looks more spacious.


Small space does not mean you have to purchase less furniture to be placed, since you still able to have the things you want. Of course with some considerations. In the first hand, choose lightweight furniture in terms of visual. It is important to think of beside the actual size of the furniture. Another tip for you is how to play with the light. Remember that light is able to help enlarge the space, so put some windows with simple model and ornaments in your living room.

Floating Shelves

You may have vases, classic clock, or other unique ornaments which you want to display in your living room. However, you realize that you do not have much spaces to put all those things. Do not easily place the unique stuffs in your storage box, because you still able to display is using floating shelves as one of the living room design ideas for apartments. You can purchase wall floating shelves in furniture stores, or you may utilize unused woods or other materials which strong enough to hold the things as the floating shelves.