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When you want to create a perfect wedding day, logistic problem become important point you should take over. Logistic is not all about gowns and tuxedos for brides and grooms in that special day but also all about the food preparation, the budget problem and ofcourse : the place when wedding event held itself. So how to decide the best logistics of the perfect wedding day?

It’s better you arrange the preparation from the beginning. Food and drinks preparation, the place preparation and the “backstage preparation” including dresses, gowns, tuxedos, invitation and make up stuffs. You need to have like 10 people to prepare one part to another part, if you won’t use wedding organizer crew, you need to have those 10 people for arrange and organize the whole preparation.

And budget, must to make the whole logistic completely enough. Make sure you have a big budget and buy the logistics that totally useful for wedding day. For example, you must have budget for a-must thing like invitation letter and hire make-up stylist. Don’t use too much budget just concentrate to one problem, make sure you share from one part to another part, and the budget won’t break after all.

Now, all about the place of your wedding day. If you need to low the standard of your budget, why don’t use your own backyard of garden as the main place? If rent the building will break your strategy of budget, the idea of backyard garden is totally awesome too. The more money you keep and save, the better for urgent needs for your perfect wedding day.

And last, don’t be shy or afraid to talk to wedding experts about how to create a perfect wedding day. Make sure you discuss and ask for advices from them so you will get the best decision after all. With perfect and complete logistics, we can get the best wedding event like we really want.