Mexican Dining Room in Formal Design

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We can say that Mexican style is unique, different and creative interior that can perfectly suit with your dining room interior. If you feel tired with ordinary design style for dining room and want to change the old look of dining room with new style, Mexican style maybe the best recommendation.

Before you change the old look of dining room, remember that bright color is a vital idea behind the Mexican style. A mixture of several different colors is good, and helps you to get the look, for example in this Mexican living room. The colors that can be your consideration to make a Mexican look are like bright blue, deep red, yellow, brown, green, pink, combine with white color as main accent. Try to choose slightly muted or dusky colors but still quite deep and rich in tone, and stay away from pastel colors that will not bring a Mexican atmosphere to your dining room.

Besides colors, flooring decoration take important part for a perfect Mexican look. For the best recommendation, pick clay tiles or ceramic tiles that definitely ideal for your flooring. If you want more unique choice, consider to choose patterned ceramic tiles because the idea of pattern style often to be used for make a Mexican design look. You can use this patterned ceramic tiles not only for flooring but also for steps or stairs, skirting boards or base boards and window treatment.

What about dining room furniture? Is there a great kind of furniture set for improve the Mexican style? Well, there are plenty choices, but choose simply rustic style furniture set, to make your Mexican interior works really well. Wooden, pine or cherry table can be the best consideration, for example. If want a more colorful look, feel free to paint your furniture in brighter color like gold or yellow so it will bring a great Mexican look.