Contemporary European Kitchen

Photo Gallery of Modern Kitchen In European Style (2 of 3)

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Previous post about some tips to make a simple European living room style might be the good choices for you who want to have such complexity in style but still easy to be cleaned, this modern style can give such relaxing feeling because it looks such simple. You might try this simple kitchen style in two simple ways.

The first thing in making your kitchen in European style is by having such dominant things, the kitchen cabinet in European styles. You can choose such France bistro style cabinet or Irish style cabinet which can make it look more Europe. Then, adjust other things, like stove, with the contrast color. You can also build such kitchen dining there. To make it more European look, choose the wooden dining table with such contrast color. Still, play with the shape and the color to make it such perfect kitchen. Do not forget to pay attention in the easiness to be cleaned by putting the furniture with some wide spaces.

To conclude, having such modern kitchen in European style might become the only choices for you who want to have a complexity in design but still easy to be cleaned. There are two simple ways to make it realize. The first one is by having such European furniture on it and the second is by having some main European style on this room. The key point is by playing with the contrast, color, and the shape.