Modern White Kitchen Shelves

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There are so many kinds, types and interior about kitchen shelves that people will love to use. But if you want to add modern kitchen shelves, the open shelves maybe can be your best recommendation.


So many people believe that open shelves are practical additions to standard kitchen cabinetry. They think that open shelves looks great not only for kitchen but also in other rooms like bathroom or dining room. That’s why people install this kind of open shelve because it will bring the most spectacular element of your kitchen. You also must to think deeply about where do you have open shelving in your kitchen? Have you considered adding it, or do you still prefer to keep things hidden behind closed doors? Instead of closed cabinets over a counter that divides your kitchen and dining room, open shelves will open up your space and let the light through its great design.

And ofcourse there are so many types and designs for open shelves especially the one with modern and unique look. The design is fancy, good and has its best quality, but also still look elegant and cozy for the kitchen area. To install the open shelves, there are three ways. The first one is to install only 2-3 shelves. The second way is to replace half of your upper cabinets with such shelves. And the third way is to use only open shelves and don’t use upper cabinets at all. You can pick the best way to install the kitchen open shelves but the look will stay in modern and cool result. And if you feel you still hesitate to do the DIY whole installment, maybe the idea to hire a professional to install it will be the best option. Just make sure you improve the other details so the modern kitchen look will go through the whole parts.