
Photo Gallery of Queen Anne Chair And The Antique Sense Of It (8 of 11)

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QUEEN ANNE CHAIR is one of a kind. It’s a legendary chair today, compared to other chairs with new or half-pricey products. It can be your best recommendation. But why? Here are the reasons why you should pick Queen Anne chair for your home décor.

This chair has its elegant and classic design look. Come with a very antique style, but also innovative and artistic. Known for many long years from Queen Anne furniture sets, it’s so lovable for people who like classic taste and elegant design look but actually this kind of chair also work nicely for people who want to complete the perfect décor of their interior room.

History of Queen Anne Chair (1702 -1714)

The gracious and comfortable furniture from the Dutch influence continued and the English craftsman were developing their own skills. They had learned the foreign techniques and started to create a distinct English style. As the room sizes were now much smaller the pieces of furniture were less massive than those of previous centuries and the comfort was provided for in the chairs.

The chair is the single item that most typifies any one period and there is no exception with this period. The Queen Anne Chair is very well known and still popular today.

The Queen Ann Chair is one of the most versatile pieces of upholstery we make. It can be used to great effect in the living room / sitting room and front entrance to most homes.

The first thing you notice when you look at the chair is its style and shape. This is not your average Queen Anne chair. Both the arms and the wings taper out which softens the edges. It has a reversible high back cushion which has two sections, head roll and lumber. The head roll can be soft and comfortable; the lumber can be firm or soft depending on personal requirements. This is ideal for someone who needs extra support because of back problems.

When viewed from the side the full extent of its style and shape becomes evident. The wing has a beautiful shape which sweeps down to meet the arm. The side bottom rail has a bowed shape similar to the shape of the bottom front rail. The front of the arm is also very unusual. It has a hand pleated roll which surrounds the circular facing.

When you sit in the chair and feel the comfort of its high back support I think you will agree this is an exceptional Queen Ann chair.

Queen Anne chair also can be found in so many stores and furniture markets, with its special characteristic choices. What about colors? Yes, there are several color choices about Queen Anne chair that can be your best consideration. Queen Anne chair can be a perfect chair for your living room to welcome the guests, dining room for celebrating special dinner events, even for your desk or office room. Especially if you have an office room with elegant and classic interior look.

With the antique sense of it also has its great function and quality. Don’t worry because the chair will permanently stay in long years without broken or change to worse condition.

Overall, the price is really worth for your best comfort zone. Really a great chair for deluxe or lovely home décor, with the most interesting Historian style you will love to feel. Buy the chair, feel the great feeling as a Queen with this kind of chair. We hope you will fallin’ love with this kind of chair!