Small Craftman Cottage House Plans

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Cottage home plans are characterized by their individuality, though there are few common denominators such as small, irregular footprints, one or one and a half story profiles, and asymmetrical massing. Modern cottage floor plans are adapted for today’s lifestyles, with cozy family gathering spaces, inviting hearths, and up to date amenities. Though cottage home plans maybe synonymous with “cozy” today is base cottage designs maintain that feel without skimping on living space. Cottage house plans abound in telling details that make them live larger than their square footage.

The cottage floor plans is irregular footprint give it and abundance of visual surprise, both in the interior layout and through their unexpected views of the surrounding landscape, making these homes uniquely suited to picturesque lots. Stone, brick, and wood used in both exterior construction and interior detail create organic ambience. Typical cottage house plans offer a lived in comfort that maybe lacking in larger, less personalized homes.

Cottage homes are prized by many as the perfect vacation home or the quintessential style for sitting in a small lot. Complete with quaint details such as decorative woodwork, interesting windows and a varied roofline. Cottage home present a welcoming façade and a cozy interior. They are well suited for the coastline, narrow urban lots or in a suburban neighborhood of smaller traditional house.

Exterior materials are often varied, with a mixture of stone, wood siding or shingles to break up wall surfaces. A small front porch may welcome visitors, with a turned balustrade, thin columns and a front gable roof. Casement windows offer cottage charm, or add decorative details with leaded glass panes or stained glass windows. Shutters are almost always present, as is a welcoming entry way with a painted door. The roofline maybe hipped, pyramidal or gabled and often is broken up by attic dormers. These dormers provide additional space in the half story.

The floor plan of the cottage home is usually one story but may have a second floor or a bedroom tucked into the attic. The living space is relaxed often with a fire place as the focal point and nooks provide for an eating area, reading room or window seat. Expect quaint details to continue to the interior, such as a beamed ceiling, stone work on the fire place and transom windows above doorways. Maximize cottage charm with a patio at the rear, extending to garden beyond with a picket fence as the exterior focal point.