2017 Modern Small Round Dining Room with Beautiful Pendant Lighting

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Dining room design for small spaces should look different. When people cook, they want to serve the meals on the table so that the occupants at home can enjoy the delicious food in comfort. However, the small space in the dining room can decrease the comfort due to the limited access in the room. You need to ensure that the atmosphere in the dining room is comfy to make people talking, eating and enjoying the air without being bothered by the tight space. You need to increase the environment to keep the people amazed with the dining room decoration.

The small dining room should be fitted with a small scaled dining table. Don’t worry; you can make the small dining room stylish if the table comes in innovative design. It can feature more drawers and storage space so that the limited room will look ample.

The style of decoration should be decided too. You do not need to go with traditional home decor. It can create busy effect because you need to decorate the wall, table and furniture heavily. You need to go with simplicity without displaying too many centerpieces on the dining table. Dining room with a nice wall hanging can be set on the wall. You just have to use one or two pictures to decorate the wall.

There is no need to add a group of pictures on the wall for they can bring intricate style. If you live alone in an apartment, there is no need to have a big dining table with a lot of chairs. Choose bistro furniture pieces which can accommodate two or three people. When you have guests, you can entertain them here. It will be fun because a dining room combined with kitchen can save much of your time when you prepare and serve the food.  If you want to make the dining space private, you just have to install a divider. It can be made from paper screen or fabric curtain. To make your dining room green, you can set some potted flowers or plants around the sideboard or window sill.

The dining room is perfect with a candlestick placed in the middle of the table. It can be used as the main focal point. Then you can accessorize the dining room with cheerful prints and decors. You can have a damask curtain to hang on the wall. If you want to deliver the old world charm in dining room design ideas small spaces, the wall should never look plain. You can decorate it with a simple wall hanging. It can be in the form of nice pictures. A mural decorated on one wall is nice to see. It will never create busy effect since other three walls come in plain color.

The color schemes in the dining room play an important part when you decorate a dining room. If it looks organized, you can make it bigger.

Avoid placing too many knick knacks for they can bring clutter. If you want to keep the items in the dining room, you can place a shelving unit or even a sideboard to accommodate those items. If you want to invite people for a festive celebration, you can avoid choosing any individual chairs. You can set two benches in the room. They can hold more people than the traditional chairs in dining room design ideas small spaces.

Decorating your dining room is easy to do if you know the tips and trick. Dining room should be considered as an active space. It should look warm, nice and comfortable even in small-space interior. Dining areas small spaces are wonderful for a family gathering. When you want to invite the important guests in the room, you need to ensure that the style in the room is not embarrassing. You can make the small dining room look big with sleek furniture pieces and light colors on the wall. There are numerous treatments that people can use to decorate the dining room. Keep the clutter away from the dining room. Clutter creates busy effect which makes your dining room look even smaller. You can improve the traffic flow by having more storage space to avoid any clutter.

You can have a shelving unit and baskets. Keep the knick knacks and pieces in the dining room in those areas. Now you can think about the color palette in dining areas small spaces. You can have it decorated with white color. But it will look too plain if you cannot pair it with other hues. Since white is included as a neutral color, you need to choose the combo in strong colors. You can pair it with marigold orange, terracotta yellow, brick red, hot pink or black.

The people who want to enjoy a modern feeling in the dining room can choose a monochromatic combination. For example, you can decorate the room with grey, white and black. If you want to add drama in the room, you need to pair the neutral hues with striking colors. You can have the wall decorated in mint green while the knick knack and accessories come in hot red color. If you just want to make the dining room easy and soft, you can have the grayish purple color to decorate the room. When you shop for new chairs and table, pick the one in small or medium size. You can have the furniture in dining areas small spaces made from plastic, wood, or metal.

Dining room with perfect color if you want to make it comfortable. You can enjoy the meal with family in comfort if the dining room air is relaxing and warm. There is no need to choose blue color in the dining room because it tends to make you sleepy. You can pick a color which can deliver a smooth feeling in the room. You can give a different look in the dining room by applying wainscoting. You just have to use the weekend time to apply this treatment on the wall. Don’t worry; wainscoting can blend well in the room.

This style is perfect for the people who like to carry Southwest style or rustic feeling in the dining room. If you want to decorate the wall with a nice image, you can purchase wallpaper. Don’t apply the wallpaper in all four walls. It can create busy feeling when you designing the dining room. You can pick one wall to be decorated with wallpaper. Choose the wallpaper which can support the theme in the dining room. If you go with rustic decoration, you can have wallpapered depicting the waterfall or countryside area. A bucket of paint can be used to update the style in the room.

If your cash is not enough to purchase new wallpaper, you can opt for a new color combination. You can increase the bigger look in the dining room by using the striped pattern on the wall. It can come in black and white stripes of modern design. If you want to enjoy a wild effect in the room, you can choose zebra theme on the wall. You can create black and white zebra pattern on wall. The three walls can be renewed with white color. Then you can add some shelving units to hold on china or crystal collection when you designing the dining room.

You can make it stylish by looking at the area rug or dining room seats. Adding a new rug on the floor is a good step for the home owners. You can pick the one suitable with the whole color schemes in the dining room.

The area rug should be large enough to cover all seating options. It can cover any cracks or holes when you pull out the chairs from the table. I suggest you to measure the area rug first before you purchase a new one. What it comes about the style, you can choose a Persian area rug to carry the formal effect when decorating your dining room. The dining table serves as the main focal point in the dining room. Every single piece is centered on the table. You can add some floral arrangements on the middle of the table.

It can add colorful effect in a dull dining room. You can set an urn of red roses on the table. Some decorative candle holders can brighten the room. You can create romantic effect with candle display. The centerpieces on the dining table can be selected based on the type of celebration and decoration. Look at the wall. You can renew the color in warm shades such as yellow, warm orange or brick red. Never make it look bare. You can set some shelves that you can use to display the collection of china or crystal items. You can also place some pieces of artwork to add depth when decorating your dining room.

Decorating small-space dining room can be done by using formal design. The placement of centerpieces on the table should be placed in correct position. You need to note on the location of the silverware, napkin and china plates. Don’t forget to think about the selection of color on the wall, window curtain, seating and area rug in the room. The people who want to launch a formal dinner party should be wise when determining the style of knick knacks used in the room. You need to make it formal without reducing the formal effect in the dining room.

You can have the formal dining room design inspired based on the season. You can enjoy many celebrations here such as birthday or even thanksgiving event. Decorating a dining room table should be decided based on the focal point. You can choose the seating area as the main point to decorate. The seats can be upholstered with a nice pattern. You can go with stripped pattern for it can create formal affair. If you want to renew the look of the upholstery on the seats, you can have some custom slipcovers in various patterns and colors.

They are washable so that you can change the slipcover based on the style and celebration in the dining room. You can pick the slipcover based on the style of seat. The slipcover used to decorate the Queen Anne chairs is totally different with the one used to decorate the parsons, Chippendale or even low back chairs. A table top located on the dining table should coordinate with the style of the slipcover. If you have a slipcover in white color, it is okay to have the table top in similar color. The place mats on the table should be located at least half an inch from the edge when decorating dining room table.

Dining room ideas for small spaces should look simple and sleek with modern design. When a family gathers at home, they will love to stay in the dining room because many foods are served. You can grab the meals in comfort if the dining room is created in fabulous dings. You do not need to decorate it with a lot of knick knacks and centerpieces because they can create busy effect. You can make it look like a den if the space allowed. Select an easy design with a den style.  You can dominate the room with wooden tone.

There is no need to use the dining room as the only place to eat food. You can also use it as a game room. Thus, you change the old and gloomy dining room into a functional room at home. You can congregate with family and enjoy playing a nice game. Even though the dining room is created in a small room, you can also infuse media center.  You can mount a LCD TV on the wall. It can be a good starting point if you want to keep the family relationship tightened.  Choose the furniture pieces in comfort. You can have the chairs upholstered with leather if you want to keep the air of formality in the room.

If you want to keep it simple, you just need to choose the micro fiber or fabric cloth to upholster the chairs. Suit the table scale with the dimension in the room. It is okay to have a circular table. Equip the table with four round chairs. The people who have a big dining room are lucky because they can add an arcade games or a pool table. It can keep the occupants amused. The corner area in the dining room can be used as a relaxing spot with a chaise lounge and a small table.