Living Room Furniture Classic Solid Wood

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Table has become one of the furniture that always exist in nearly all the rooms of the house. Table does have a very vital function. In addition as a sweetener room , the table can also be used as an object that has benefits such as a place to put ornaments or other items on. Table in each room also has a different function and usability as well as different shapes one to another.

Tables are also commonly found in the family rooms of houses. Table in the family room usually has the benefit to put snacks or some meals for family members.

The most important thing that must be considered for choosing the design of the living room table is how to manage a whole home by choosing the best table. And solid wood living room tables are commonly used for house with classic design.

As we know solid wood is the strongest material and most durable than other wood. Unfortunately, solid wood is limited so the price is pretty expensive. The workmanship process also requires special skills. Drying method must be perfect and on the right way to avoid the expansion properties wood shrinkage. Kind of solid wood which commonly used for table is teak, nyatoh wood, and sungkai wood, and some other types of wood such as mahogany, pine, ramin, and cedar.

Living room is a place where we share and we meet each other with all family member. That’s why living room has to be really warm and comfortable. Living room table from solid wood has both warm and vintage or classic style. Its texture and wood streaks give character and beauty in the living room.