Good Foundation to Take Care Flood

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Beach or coastal homes are typically built on stilts or pilings due to their nearness to the ocean and its rising and falling tides. Because of this feature, beach home plans are also well suited for homes built near lakes or rivers, to safeguard against flooding. Beach style homes are typically contemporary or modern with open spaces to capture views. While modern styles of beach or pilings homes are prevalent today, there are also many that have cozier elements. Able to customized to reflect almost any style, can be Victorian, Cape Cod, Traditional, or any other style other than what I’ve written.

Although some beach houses maybe raised up on pilings, most area of conventional construction ( specific floor plans for foundation types included ). The common feature to most beach house plans is a wall of windows which is facing out to the water, with many rooms which are sharing the view. As a leisure home, most plans are casual and informal designs and may or may not include a garage.

These home plans often incorporate decks or porches which most wrap around, if not all of the home to allow the homeowner to enjoy all the views of the home which has to offer.

Beach or pilings home plans are often designed to be tall, rather than wide, with the living areas on the first floor, and bedrooms on the upstairs. When building a beach or piling home, standard roofing is not the same shingle style roof that typically found inland. Higher wind speeds call for either heavier shingles, such as clay, or terra cotta, or solid roofing, such as steel or aluminum.

Concrete block exterior walls are practically the standard these days in hurricane prone areas and are becoming popular in other regions as well. Benefits of concrete exterior walls are strength, energy efficiency, fire resistance, noise reduction, and protection from insects, rot, and mold.

In areas where coastal flooding or raising water is a problem, we are resurgence of raised floor systems rather than concrete slabs. Beach house plans can be designed with floor systems up to 14’ off the ground. Raised floor systems do cost more to build, but the savings in insurance costs and potential damage to the home is well worth with the extra price.