Modern Retro Southern Dining Room

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To accommodate the warmth, natural and lovely look, the idea of Southern interior style for houses can be your best recommendation. Not only for Southern peoplem, now this kind of interior design often to be used by so many people in so many regions of America. Even nowadays, you can find other people in other countries also pick this Southern interior style. Southern style generally come with sprawling and airy with tall ceilings, large front porches, usually built of wood. Many Southern interior style home plans are closely related to country house plans and low country house plans, but yes, this Southern style can be the best recommendation.

About color schemes, actually with Southern interior style, so many colors you can choose and use for all the part of house painting. But soft and neutral colors can be the best consideration especially white, brown and grey colors. For house exterior, it can be the greatest choice for you to pick white cream for the whole wall painting. For flooring, brown can be the best choice. If you want to add some pastel colors, it’s ok but focus to know completely that the idea of design you want to create is still Southern interior style.

What about furniture sets? Actually there are no limited reason to choose one type of furniture set. You can pick furniture sets with country cottage look, simply chic, modern interior type or maybe contemporary design style. But mostly Southern house décor plans use simply chic and country cottage look for furniture sets. Couches, chairs, coffee table with glass top but built of wood are the best recommendation. In the end, we hope this Southern interior style will perfectly fit with your personal taste and look. Make yourself feel homey and comfy in your home that come with new look of Southern décor plans.